01-A Message from Nathan Chan.mp4 (186.54 MB)
02-The Foundations of a Hero Product.mp4 (594.79 MB)
03-Your Hero Product Scorecard.mp4 (2.44 GB)
04-Problem Solving and Profitability.mp4 (2.71 GB)
05-Avoiding Being Too Late to Market.mp4 (2.83 GB)
06-How to Guarantee Your Product Sells.mp4 (1.59 GB)
01-Bonus 1- Product Sourcing Secrets.mp4 (1.28 GB)
02-Bonus 2- The "Instagram Domination" Formula.mp4 (115.21 MB)
03-Bonus 3- Content Strategy - How to Create Yours.mp4 (339.26 MB)
04-Bonus 4- Copycat-Proof Your Product.mp4 (148.23 MB)
05-Bonus 5- Validate With Your First Sale.mp4 (117.13 MB)
06-Bonus 6- Designing Your Perfect Customer Checklist.mp4 (155.12 MB)
01-Dropshipping and White-Labeling Your Products to Generate Millions with Nathan Hirsch.mp4 (165.79 MB)
02-How To Build A MASSIVE Swimwear - Fashion Label with Simone Wilkins of Eau Paix Vie.mp4 (221.37 MB)
03-Making a Skin Care Product- Exclusive I.mp4 (254.78 MB)
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