Periorbital Melanosis (Under Eye Dark Circles)
Published 4/2024
MP4 | Video: h264, 1920x1080 | Audio: AAC, 44.1 KHz
Language: English
| Size: 737.26 MB[/center]
| Duration: 1h 37m
Basic Cosmetology

What you'll learn

Introduction to Cosmetology

Skin Analysis

Dark circles



Passion to learn

Good learning ability


This course has taken over a decade of fine-tuning and upgradation for me to finally be convinced to publish it. When I chose to narrow my specialty of practice from core dermatology to cosmetic dermatology back in 2001, it wasthe lesser-traveled path. Within a few months of setting up my practice, I had many beauty enthusiasts and a few clientstoo expressing their interest in learning the subject and getting the required know-how to pursue the science of beauty.Teaching comes to me naturally, as I have been a professor for 12 years from the very beginning of my career withNDMVP Samaj Medical College, Adgaon, Nashik, Maharashtra, India, and I love sharing my knowledge and impartingtraining in my field of expertise. Also, another key reason for setting up professional courses in cosmetology was the lackof technical schools to impart this education back then. It pained to see clients having their skin gone bad with regularfacials or parlour treatments not suited for their skin type. There was a clear need to educate every beauty consultant atthe very grass-root level to understand the basics of skin-type analysis and scientific skin care. This is where it all began,the book then was just a few pages of bullet point notes provided to students for reference; but, today, it is a full-fledgedvolume that covers every subject in extreme detail. The book elaborates how to conduct a procedure from beginning toend. It is a perfect guidebook for all those practising cosmetology already or considering the idea of it.May we together continue to make this world more and more beautiful.


Section 1: Introduction

Lecture 1 Introduction to Cosmetolgy

Lecture 2 Skin Analysis

Lecture 3 Dark circles

Lecture 4 Electroporation

Lecture 5 Sanitization

Beginners & professionals both,Background in science will help in better understanding of terms,Anyone who has interest in beauty & skin

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