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Thread: Ebook Collections Update Daily

  1. #8711
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    David Pogues Digital Photography The Missing Manual
    pdf | 6.64 MB | English | Isbn:‎ B08167KWHS | Author: David Pogue | Year: 2019


    The iPhone 11, 11 Pro, 11R, and 11Max are faster than ever and have more powerful cameras. With the latest edition of this bestselling guide, you get a funny, gorgeously illustrated guide to the tips, shortcuts, and workarounds that will turn you into an iPhone master.
    Written by David Pogue-Missing Manual series creator, New York Times columnist, and Emmy-winning tech correspondent for CNBC, CBS, and NPR-this update shows you everything you need to know about new iPhone features and the iOS 13 user interface. Pick up this beautiful full-color book and learn how to get the most out of your iPhone.
    Category:Digital Audio Editing, Digital Video Production, Apple OS & iOS

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  2. #8712
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    DBT For Dummies
    pdf | 11.38 MB | English | Isbn:‎ 1119730120 | Author: Galen, Gillian; Aguirre, Blaise; | Year: 2021


    Keep calm, be skillful-and take control!
    Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) is one of the most popular-and most effective-treatments for mental health conditions that result from out-of-control emotions. Combining elements of Cognitive Behavior Therapy with Eastern mindfulness practice, DBT was initially used as a powerful treatment to address the suffering associated with borderline personality disorder. It has since proven to have positive effects on many other mental health conditions and is frequently found in non-clinical settings, such as schools. Whether you struggle with depression, anger, phobias, disordered eating, or want to have a better understanding of emotions and how to focus and calm your mind, DBT practice serves the needs of those facing anything from regular life challenges to severe psychological distress.
    Written in a no-jargon, friendly style by two of Harvard Medical School's finest, DBT For Dummies shows how DBT can teach new ways not just to reverse, but to actively take control of self-destructive behaviors and negative thought patterns, allowing you to transform a life of struggle into one full of promise and meaning. Used properly and persistently, the skills and strategies in this book will change your life: when you can better regulate emotions, interact effectively with people, deal with stressful situations, and use mindfulness on a daily basis, it's easier to appreciate what's good in yourself and the world, and then act accordingly. In reading this book, you will:
    [*]Understand DBT theory[*]Learn more adaptive ways to control your emotions[*]Improve the quality of your relationships[*]Deal better with uncertainty

    Many of life's problems are not insurmountable even if they appear to be. Life can get better, if you are willing to live it differently. Get DBT For Dummies and discover the proven methods that will let you take back control-and build a brighter, more capable, and promising future!
    Category:Psychology Education & Training, Psychology Movements, Anxiety Disorders

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  3. #8713
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    Decoding Dao - Reading the Dao De Jing (Tao Te Ching) and the Zhuangzi
    pdf | 2.1 MB | English | Isbn:‎ B00HF6NZJU | Author: Rainey, Lee Dian; | Year: 2013


    Written by a leading authority on Chinese philosophy, Decoding Dao uniquely focuses on the core texts in Daoist philosophy, providing readers with a user-friendly introduction that unravels the complexities of these seminal volumes.
    [*]Offers a detailed introduction to the core texts in Daoist philosophy, the Dao De Jing and the Zhuangzi, two of the most widely read - and most challenging - texts in China's long literary history[*]Covers the three main ways the texts can be read: as religious, mystical, and philosophical works[*]Explores their historical context, origins, authorship, and the reasons these seminal texts came into being, along with the key terms and approaches they take[*]Examines the core philosophical arguments made in the texts, as well as the many ways in which they have been interpreted, both in China itself and in the West[*]Provides readers with an unrivalled insight into the multifaceted philosophy of Daoism - and the principles underlying much of Chinese culture - informed by the very latest academic scholarship
    Category:Confucianism, Tao Te Ching, Confucianism

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  4. #8714
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    Deep Belief Nets in C + + and CUDA C - Volume 3 - Convolutional Nets
    pdf, epub | 2.76 MB | English | Isbn:‎ 978-1530895182 | Author: Timothy Masters | Year: 2016


    Deep belief nets are one of the most exciting recent developments in artificial intelligence. The structure of these elegant models is much closer to that of human brains than traditional neural networks; they have a 'thought process' that is capable of learning abstract concepts built from simpler primitives. A typical deep belief net can learn to recognize complex patterns by optimizing millions of parameters, yet this model can still be resistant to overfitting. This book presents the essential building blocks of a common and powerful form of deep belief net: convolutional nets. These models are especially useful for image processing applications. At each step the text provides intuitive motivation, a summary of the most important equations relevant to the topic, and concludes with highly commented code for threaded computation on modern CPUs as well as massive parallel processing on computers with CUDA-capable video display cards. Source code for all routines presented in the book, and the executable CONVNET program which implements these algorithms, are available for free download from the author's website. Source code for the complete CONVNET program is not available, as much of it is highly specialized Windows interface code. Readers are responsible for writing their own main program, with all interface routines. You may freely use all of the core convolutional net routines in this book, as long as you remember that it is experimental code that comes with absolutely no guaranty of correct operation.
    Category:Computer Neural Networks, Computer Science

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  5. #8715
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    Defiant and Dismasted at Trafalgar - The Life & Times of Admiral Sir William Hargood
    epub | 3.66 MB | English | Isbn:‎ B00DN5TUNW | Author: Mary McGrigor | Year: 2004


    Born in 1762, William Hargood's naval career spanned over 30 years, as he rose from humble midshipman to the captain of one of the most powerful warships of the day at Trafalgar. He campaigned all over the known world: the Americas, West Indies, throughout the Mediterranean. Britain was hardly ever at peace during those troubled times and men like Hargood sought out her enemies wherever they could find them. This is the age of gold bullion, pirates, plunder and grapeshot.During his career Hargood became a close friend of Admiral Lord Nelson and shared many an experience and triumph with him.Hargood's Belleisle was dismasted in the thick of action at Trafalgar but never sunk.
    Category:Napoleonic War History, Biographies of the Military Navy, Napoleonic War History

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  6. #8716
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    Dermoscopy - Histopathology Correlation - A Conspectus in the Skin of colour ()
    epub | 744.38 MB | English | Isbn:‎ B095LFRNY2 | Author: Balachandra Suryakant Ankad, Samipa Samir Mukherjee, Balkrishna Pralhadrao Nikam | Year: 2021


    This atlas presents dermoscopic-histopathological correlations of dermatologic and pathological presentations seen in the Asian subcontinent. The disorders have been explained with the help of state of the art clinical, dermoscopic and pathological figures of various entities in skin of color. The format has been kept simple and easy to understand which is deciphered through dermoscopic and histopathological correlation. This title also emphasizes on atypical presentations and rare dermoscopic features with the help of thorough description covering clinical and pathological manifestations, diagnosis, and differential diagnosis.

    Written for dermatologists, dermato-pathologists, dermoscopists and residents of dermatology, this atlas is a detailed visual guide to effectively evaluate and diagnose various skin disorders.
    Category:Preventive Medicine, Dermatology, Preventive Medicine

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  7. #8717
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    Designing Cost Management Systems to Support Business Decision-Making
    pdf, epub | 10.34 MB | English | Isbn:‎ B099WBW1CH | Author: Pieter Buys | Year: 2021


    This book illustrates the importance effective cost management systems in
    providing a supportive environment in which reliable and relevant management
    information can be generated. Such a cost management system is only attainable
    if the importance of key business, operational and stakeholder requirements are
    recognised within the organisational context. In illustrating this importance, this
    book provides several case studies as examples thereof. The first two case studies
    focus on the engineering sector and illustrates the development of a cost
    management system in a water recycling context; and the design of a budgetary
    system in a mining engineering context. The remaining case studies focus on the
    services sector, including cost management systems for a digital technology
    services provider and a medical insurance services provider; an alternative
    activity-based costing approach for a public sector services provider; and finally a re-designed value stream for an automotive services provider. Academic
    researchers and industry managers in the fields of management accounting and
    financial management, as well as engineering and operations management, will
    find value in the experiences described herein.

    Hosters: Rapidgator |Nitroflare

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  8. #8718
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    Deterministic Chaos an Introduction 4th ed H Schuster W Just Wiley
    pdf | 6.56 MB | English | Isbn:‎ 978-1681253787 | Author: Elizabeth Schoen Simmons "M.S. CCC-SLP" | Year: 1920


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    Fully updated and revised based on the 2020 ASHA standards and recent AAA standards, the new edition of this bestseller is the core textbook for all students in clinical methods courses-and a reliable reference for practicing SLPs and audiologists. Leading authority Rhea Paul and newly minted research scholar Elizabeth Schoen Simmons bring together more than 20 academics and clinicians for a state-of-the-art guide to contemporary evidence-based practice. Covering a broad range of disorders and developmental levels, this text sets emerging professionals on the path toward mastering all the fundamentals of practice, from conducting effective assessment and intervention to ensuring that practices are family-centered and culturally inclusive. Tomorrow's clinicians will use this foundational textbook to guide their professional decision-making and provide the best possible services for people with communication disorders.

    [*]New chapter on using principles of observation to gather accurate, valid data in clinical settings and more deeply understand clinical processes and procedures[*] Expanded information on intervention principles, with case studies highlighting practical applications and an emphasis on evidence-based practice[*]More on counseling in communication disorders, clinical documentation, relationships with supervisors, and single-case experimental design[*]Updated information on technology in clinical practice[*] New emphasis on automated analysis of communication samples[*]Chapters on clinical competence and family-centered practice by renowned experts[*]New student-friendly text features, such as learning objectives, study questions, and problem-solving questions[*]Case studies and clinical examples throughout[*]Reflects most recent ASHA and AAA standards

    WITH NEW FACULTY MATERIALS, including a test bank for each chapter and suggested projects that professors can assign students to practice the principles outlined in each chapter.
    Category:Audiology & Speech Pathology, Communicative Disorders in Special Ed., Neuropsychology

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  9. #8719
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    Developments in Information & Knowledge Management for Business Applications - Volume 2
    pdf, epub | 141.62 MB | English | Isbn:‎ 978-1284143584 | Author: Natalia Kryvinska, Aneta Poniszewska-Marańda | Year: 2021


    Curriculum Development in Nursing Education, Fourth Edition is designed for novice and experienced faculty, presenting logical processes to develop, implement, and evaluate a curriculum. The Fourth Edition has an updated version of the Model of Evidence-Informed, Context-Relevant, Unified Curriculum Development in Nursing Education with separate chapters explicating each aspect of the model. Additional content is devoted to nursing education by distance delivery. The Fourth Edition attends more meticulously to concept-based curricula and the accompanying teaching-learning processes, than in previous editions. Faculty development, ongoing appraisal, and scholarship are efmphasized as core components of all curriculum work. This comprehensive text encompasses a combination of original concepts, current and classic literature and research, and the practicalities of curriculum work to guide readers in their own curriculum endeavors. The cases presented are new and can be used as a springboard for teaching and learning in courses as well as for faculty development. New to the Fourth Edition: Simulated learning experiences as part of curriculum design How the NCLEX exam and external reviews influence undergraduate curriculum New case studies and synthesis activities Updated references across all chapters
    Category:Nurse & Patient Communications, Physician & Patient Clinical Medicine, Nursing Research & Theory

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  10. #8720
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    Differentiability in Banach Spaces, Differential Forms and Applications
    pdf, epub | 55.53 MB | English | Isbn:‎ B099W2YSL9 | Author: Celso Melchiades Doria | Year: 2021


    This book is divided into two parts, the first one to study the theory of differentiable functions between Banach spaces and the second to study the differential form formalism and to address the Stokes' Theorem and its applications. Related to the first part, there is an introduction to the content of Linear Bounded Operators in Banach Spaces with classic examples of compact and Fredholm operators, this aiming to define the derivative of Fr?chet and to give examples in Variational Calculus and to extend the results to Fredholm maps. The Inverse Function Theorem is explained in full details to help the reader to understand the proof details and its motivations. The inverse function theorem and applications make up this first part. The text contains an elementary approach to Vector Fields and Flows, including the Frobenius Theorem. The Differential Forms are introduced and applied to obtain the Stokes Theorem and to define De Rham cohomology groups. As an application, the final chapter contains an introduction to the Harmonic Functions and a geometric approach to Maxwell's equations of electromagnetism.

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