WARNING: If You're Watching Porn Every Day, You're On a Slow Path To Sabotaging Your Life & Romantic Relationships.
Stop your porn addiction and take back your life and relationships with best selling author and men's coach Andrew Ferebee.
Congrats, on taking an important step toward acknowledging that porn has become a serious problem for you, and being open to solutions.
Now, it's time to to learn how to stop an addiction to porn
Breaking addictive cycles is not easy, whether it's booze, drugs or porn, but I'm here to guide you towards your personal freedom.
Why am I the right guide on how to quit porn addiction?
I've been through this. In my early 20s, I wasted 1000s of hours watching porn when I could have been out there in the real world making something of myself.
I even managed to ruin a relationship because watching so much porn ruined sex and emotional connection. I only wish I had porn addiction help back then so I could have shown up more powerfully in my relationship. With this quitting pornography book, I'm going to help you not make the same mistakes. But you can only break porn's control over you if you're truly ready.
This how to stop porn book is for you if you're:
- Tired of porn butting into your daily life to the point you find yourself looking forward to watching it even when you're out having a good time with friends, doing something you used to love, or even hanging out with your girlfriend?
- Sick of the fact that you now watch porn that's way more graphic and intense than anything you thought you'd ever watch a year or two ago?
- Horrified that you're getting more out of the pornstars on the screen than you're getting out of your real life sex?
- Disgusted to find yourself having to think of different pornstars to get off - even during what should be intimate, great sex?
Well, you're far from alone. In fact, you've got more company than you probably realize. We're the first generation to grow up with nearly limitless, free porn at our fingertips, and it's messing with our brains.
Your brain on porn is barraged by so many attractive girls and so much point-of-view sex that it doesn't know what to do. It can't differentiate between the sex you're watching onscreen and actual sex.
The problems come when this half-an-hour-a-week habit turns into an hour a day, then two, then three, and even multiple sessions per day.
You get the idea. All the while, you have free access to just about any sex situation your brain can think of - and quite a few you never would have imagined.
Before you know it, you start picturing women in your life doing these things - from the random girl who drops her books and bends over to pick them up to girls you've known for years. And the things you're thinking are not things that most real women actually do.
You may think it's a private fantasy, but trust me, it can ruin your interaction with women and make it much tougher for you to find or maintain a healthy relationship. They may not know exactly what's going on in your head, but they know something's up.
Over time you're reducing your success with women in and out of bed, and in this book, I'm going to show you how to put a stop the porn addiction, and start living in the real world again.
Are you ready to start overcoming pornography and connect emotionally, intimately and sexually with real women again?
Then let's do this. It's time for the death of porn in your life. $5 is a small price to pay for power over pornography. To be able to hang out with your friends the way you used to and meet new girls without the awkwardness;
With simple exercises and a little support, you'll be able to break porn's hold over you and start living the life you really want.
Click the add to cart button, and let's get to work!