Title: The Everything Stir-Fry Cookbook: 300 Fresh and Flavorful Recipes the Whole Family Will Love
Author: Rhonda Lauret Parkinson
Published: 2007
Language: English
ISBN: 9781598692426
Publisher: Everything Books
Extension: EPUB
Size: 631 KB
Subjects: Food
Categories: Cooking & Food, Nonfiction
Don't have time to cook? Stir-frying is quick, healthy, and easy. With The Everything Stir-Fry Cookbook, you will learn the essentials for making healthy dishes. Start with the freshest ingredients and the correct equipment, then learn how to properly select and prepare food from around the world. Whip up fish and shellfish dishes and get creative with inventive ideas for marinades, sauces, and second helping-worthy desserts. A sizzling sourcebook of 300 recipes for delicious meals that don't require a lot of ingredients - or time - The Everything Stir-Fry Cookbook offers helpful tips and techniques for making mouthwatering recipes in less time than it would take you to choose what to order from a menu.
Download Everything Stir-fry Cookbook 300 Fresh - Rhonda Lauret Parkinson