Title: Cast in Deception
Author: Sagara, Michelle

Published: 2018
Language: English
ISBN: 9781488027949
Publisher: HarperCollins Publishers
Pages: 384
Extension: EPUB
Size: 483 KB
Subjects: Science Fiction & Fantasy, Fantasy Fiction, Epic Fantasy, Fantasy - Women of Lore
Categories: Science Fiction & Fantasy, Fantasy Fiction, Epic Fantasy, Fantasy - Women of Lore


Private Kaylin Neya thought her home couldn't possibly get more crowded. But when one of her housemates, Annarion, decides to undertake the Barrani Test of Name, his friends refuse to let him face his task alone-and Kaylin's sentient home, Helen, is the only structure capable of shielding the rest of Elantra from the magnitude of their power.

Annarion and Mandoran almost caused the destruction of the High Halls once already. Add nine of their closest friends, and the danger is astronomically higher-especially since these guests are at the heart of a political firestorm. Imprisoned almost a millennium ago, their recent freedom threatens the rulership of several prominent Barrani families, and the machinations of those Lords make it almost impossible to tell friend from foe.

As political tensions ramp up, the shadows beneath the High Halls are seeking a freedom that has never been possible before. Kaylin must find a way to keep those shadows from escaping, or that freedom will destroy her city, the empire and everything she holds dear.

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