Title: Awash with Summer Roses
Author: Kestra Pingree

Published: 2017
Language: English
Publisher: Kestra Pingree
Extension: EPUB
Size: 570 KB
Subjects: life and love

The haunting trees lead me astray, a liar's tongue that I hear play.
Avery has a dangerous secret.
He pretends to be this perfect angel, but he regularly sneaks into the town's forbidden forest.
I'm the only one who knows, and I paid for it the night I followed him inside. There's a reason the forest is forbidden. Ghost wolf, anyone?
Don't worry. I survived. But I'm more confused than ever, and Avery isn't forthcoming.
What's it going to take to get him to talk?
This book concludes Awash with Summer Roses. Don't miss the finale.

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