Title: Of The Ashes: A 'So Fell The Sparrow' Sequel Novella
Author: Katie Jennings
Language: English
Publisher: Sapphire Royale Publishing
Extension: EPUB
Size: 333 KB
Subjects: Horror, ghost, Suspense, Paranormal, novella, Romance
Sequel Novella to 'So Fell The Sparrow' by Katie Jennings
A year has passed since banishing the spirits inside The Sparrow House and the team is as solid as ever, with Grace and Jackie now an important part of Great American Paranormal. They travel to haunted Savannah, Georgia, to save a bed and breakfast plagued by something much worse than ghosts. Between Ouija board portals, a surprise encounter with a woman from Ian's past, and inner turmoil Grace just can't shake, will the team make it out of Savannah alive?
Download Katie Jennings - [So Fell the Sparrow 01.5] - Of the Ashes