Title: Ghostly Secrets (Lorna Shadow Cozy Ghost Mystery Book 2)
Author: K.E. O'Connor

Language: English
Publisher: K.E. O'Connor
Extension: EPUB
Size: 272 KB
Subjects: Cozy ghost mystery, British Mystery, Small town supernatural, Cozy mystery with animals, Ghost murder mystery

A troubled ghost. A house full of suspects, and a mystery that must be solved.

Lorna Shadow is back in a new ghost mystery. Joined by her best friend Helen, and her faithful ghost sensing dog , Flipper, Lorna must deal with Archie Musgrave, a stubborn ghost who doesn't believe his death was an accident.

As Lorna investigates, the list of suspects grows long, and the ghost becomes increasingly agitated. If she's to get any peace and keep her new job as a personal assistant, she needs to solve this murder fast and get justice for Archie.

Standing in the way of her figuring out who killed Archie is his spoiled, entitled sister, his widow who remarried quickly after his death, her new husband, and a former business partner who has his eyes set on Archie's fortunes.

When Archie's widow is almost killed, Lorna must act quickly to stop anyone else from dying. If she fails to figure out who killed Archie, there could be more murders, the ghost will remain trapped, and the killer will go free.

What readers are saying about this book:

"Great book. Characters were fantastic. Plot was amazing with all its twists and turns." Amazon review.

"I really like this series, it has a creative idea, and each book has new secondary characters and a new, paranormal plot. Very good character building and intriguing plotting." Amazon review.

"K.E. O'Connor is a great writer, her books keep you wanting more." Amazon review.

Enjoy reading this fun cozy ghost mystery , which involves close friendships, tasty treats over a mug of tea, the cute antics of a ghost-sensing dog, and the start of a romance for Lorna. This is the second book in the Lorna Shadow cozy ghost paranormal series.

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