Title: Hart the Regulator 10
Author: John B. Harvey

Published: 2016
Publisher: Piccadilly Publishing
Extension: EPUB
Size: 396 KB
Subjects: p, hart the regulator, western frontier fiction, western fiction series, wes hart, john b harvey, western 1880s, western action and adventure ebook, western action and bounty hunters

Wes Hart - ex-soldier, ex-Texas Ranger, ex-rider with Billy the Kid. He's tough, ruthless and slick with a .45. He's for hire now and he isn't cheap.
Surprising the kind of money that can get left in a small farmer's will. Old Jedediah Batt left a thousand bucks in gold to his brother Aram, who's an old-time trapper up in the northern hills. Hart is hired to find him and tell him the news. But money can cause family upsets like crazy sons who get drunk and trigger happy just thinking about it. That might be enough for The Regulator to handle, if two hoodlums from California with a grudge apiece weren't riding hard in his direction...

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