Title: Gone to Pot
Author: Jennifer Craig
Published: 2017
Language: English
ISBN: 9781772600346
Publisher: Second Story Press
Extension: EPUB
Size: 834 KB
Subjects: Fiction, Literature, Humor (Fiction)
After losing her job and learning she might also lose her house because of a bad investment, Jess, a fiercely independent and hilariously wry BC grandma, resorts to growing pot in her basement to make ends meet. She then has to juggle her public life as a grandmother and member of the town's senior women's group - The Company of Crones - with her secret life as a pot grower. The unusual characters she meets along the way include Swan, the enigmatic young woman who introduces her to the grower's world, and Marcus, the socially awkward "gardener" who shows her the tricks of the trade. Both of her new young friends are more than they appear, and Jess' adventures in pot growing break down barriers in both her old and new circles. The delightful outcome of an almost legitimate business leaves Jess and her associates flushed with success.
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