Title: Gravity (Jolo Vargas Space Opera Series Book 2)
Author: J.D. Oppenheim

Language: English
Publisher: J.D. Oppenheim
Extension: EPUB
Size: 155 KB
Subjects: Space Opera

A secret war. A galactic empire in crisis. One final hope for victory.
Complete Series Set: 2200+ pages of heroic action, shadowy villains, and galactic intrigue!
Wil Sietinen is torn between his dual roles as a High Dynasty heir and a telekinetic trainee in the galactic military. His commanders expect him to be nothing short of exceptional-and teenage Wil is starting to crack under the pressure.
When Wil is captured by the mysterious enemy Bakzen, he learns the true weight of his destiny as a future leader. A covert war has been waging for generations, and Wil's unique telekinetic powers are the only remaining hope to win.
As Wil grapples with how to fulfill his immense responsibility, he uncovers a dark secret. The war and his enemies aren't what he's been led to believe, and Wil and his loved ones are ensnared in an insidious conspiracy to conceal the truth.
With the future of the Taran Empire hanging in the balance, who can Wil trust in his fight for justice?
If you're a fan of feuding galactic empires, dynamic characters, and twisty plots, then you'll love A.K. DuBoff's award-winning Cadicle Universe. Join three generations of one noble family as they navigate love and war to lead a revolution that will change the course of a galactic empire.
Grab your copy of Fractured Empire to begin the epic journey today!
The Fractured Empire collection contains the complete Cadicle space opera series:
  • Volume 1: Architects of Destiny (prequel)
  • Volume 2: Veil of Reality
  • Volume 3: Bonds of Resolve
  • Volume 4: Web of Truth
  • Volume 5: Crossroads of Fate
  • Volume 6: Path of Justice
  • Volume 7: Scions of Change

For audiobooks, see the Cadicle series page: audible.com/series?asin=B06XK1ZV57
Print editions are available for the individual books: amazon.com/dp/B08F47GMQ5

Download J D Oppenheim - [Jolo Vargas Space Opera 02] - Gravity