Title: Brothers in Arms: The Siege of Louisbourg, S?bastien deL'Esp?rance, New France, 1758
Author: Don Aker
Published: 2015
Language: English
Publisher: Scholastic Canada
Extension: EPUB
Size: 4 MB
A riveting story of a pivotal battle in the Seven Years' War that changed Canadian history forever.
Seventeen-year-old S?bastien de L'Esp?rance and his friend Guillaume have fought to keep the British from getting a foothold in ?le Royale (now Cape Breton Island) ever since the young men came from France two years ago. Britain has blockaded Louisbourg, and supplies for the 4000 inhabitants are running short. Despite Louisbourg's massive defences, if cut off from supplies provided by France, it cannot survive.
Both young men are members of the Compagnies Franches de la Marine. They are sent out on scouting missions that provide valuable information about the British troops - troops which outnumber the French three to one. When British warships arrive in force, S?bastien vows to defend the town, his friend Guillaume, and the woman he loves.
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