Title: Isle of Gods I: Damek
Author: H. Lovelyn Bettison

Language: English
Publisher: Nebulous Mooch
Extension: EPUB
Size: 235 KB

Damek stopped looking for the Isle of Gods months ago. He'd dedicated his life to finding the gods, but with his marriage is falling apart he has to give up his life of adventure to win back his wife and daughter. Now instead of sailing the high seas he works odd jobs and tries to live a normal life. Damek was never meant to be normal though. One day he starts having visions of a mysterious woman who wants him to take up sailing again and rescue her from the Isle of Gods. At first, he doesn't know if what he's seeing is real, but she starts to haunt his thoughts and appear in his dreams. She compels him to return to the sea so forcefully that it is impossible to ignore. Who is this woman? Is she leading him into a trap? With her help will he be one of the first mortals to make it to the Isle of Gods?

Download H Lovelyn Bettison - [Isle of Gods 01] - Damek