Two for the Devil
by Allen Hoffman
English | 1998 | ISBN: | Abbeville Publishing Group | pages | epub/mobi | 375 KB/402 KB
This searing third novel in the critically acclaimed Small Worlds series records the cruel fate of the villagers of Krimsk as they encounter the twentieth-century's greatest agents of evil, Joseph Stalin and Adolph Hitler.
It is Rosh Hashanah - the Jewish New Year and Day of Judgment - in Moscow during the Stalinist purges of 1936. In the Lubyanka secret police prison, senior investigator Grisha Shwartzman masterfully pursues the rigorous logic and obsessive legalism of the Soviet witch-hunt. Facing an extraordinary prisoner, Grisha realizes that the Soviet system he has faithfully served is murderously corrupt and that he himself will be the next victim - but not an innocent one. In despair, he flees to his home, where his deranged wife and an unexpected Rosh Hashanah letter from his father-in-law, the enigmatic Krimsker Rebbe in America, await him. The Day of Judgment proves to be a startling experience as Grisha, the once idealistic radical, judges...
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