Empire Games: Empire Games: Book One by Charles Stross
by Charles Stross
English | ISBN: | Tom Doherty Associates | pages | epub | 988 KB

"The keen eye and what-if imagination of Charles Stross fuel a fresh look at alternate worlds."-David Brin, author of Existence
Charles Stross builds a new series with Empire Games. Expanding on the world he created in the Family Trade series, a new generation of paratime travellers walk between parallel universes.

The year is 2020. It's seventeen years since the Revolution overthrew the last king of the New British Empire, and the newly reconstituted North American Commonwealth is developing rapidly, on course to defeat the French and bring democracy to a troubled world. But Miriam Burgeson, commissioner in charge of the shadowy Ministry of Intertemporal Research and Intelligence-the paratime espionage agency tasked with catalyzing the Commonwealth's great leap forward-has a problem. For years, she's warned everyone: "The Americans are coming." Now their drones arrive in the middle of a succession...

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