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Thread: Femdom Is Style Of Life / FaceSitting Video ;)

  1. #14111
    VIP Katrin1988's Avatar
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    Goddess Melissa Red On Top Pt.2

    Info file :
    File Type : mp4
    Runtime : 10min 00s
    File Size : 364.45 Mb
    Resolution : 1920x1080

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  2. #14112
    VIP Katrin1988's Avatar
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    Sexy, Shiny, Platinum Tramples The Spinless Slob - Goddess Platinum

    About video: Sometimes motivation takes multiple formats, and for this fat fuck, the two things that it understands are the same things that any retarded, spineless, loser comprehends... pain, and shiny objects which catch its attention... so of course I put on a super form fitting Platinum outfit that shined from head to toe... and then I proceeded to inflict massive amounts of pain to a bitch that really doesn't enjoy trampling. Especially when I do it...
    In this clip I ruin the slob by repeatedly grinding My heels into its useless fat man nipples and you can watch as it starts to shake and shimmy on the floor.... and a few seconds later the legs starts kicking...... all the little details so I know I am truly hurting and inflicting pain on this worthless pig....
    As much as slaves regularly disappoint Me and piss Me off, this one did an unbelievably incredible job of even topping what I thought previously would have been the biggest disappointments I might have had from a slave...
    Get the clip and see what happens when you fail to meet "Goddess Expectations" and are consistently a let down to everyone except the other "slave friends" you have in your life.... Pathetic, painful, and promptly punished beneath Platinum peds...

    Info file :
    File Type : mp4
    Runtime : 00:06:30
    File Size : 231Mb
    Resolution : 1920x1080

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  3. #14113
    VIP Katrin1988's Avatar
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    Showing The Sissy My Psycho Side - Goddess Platinum

    About video: It's interesting how many subbies and slaves make the pilgrimmage to Vegas to visit Myself and the Pl@tinum's Me@n G!rls at the Manor. In that group, there are all sorts of garden variety losers, cucks, beta-bitches, and broke-ass wankers. But invariably, the group also contains an amalgam of even stranger birds.. these range from idiots who sign all the paperwork and immediately metastasize into another person completely as soon as the cameras roll, freaking out and stating they want to go home, the dopes who claim that they have been beaten so excessively in the past that they can handle anything We might dish out onkly to promptly call it quits after being hit a few times, to the faux-submissives who are certain one or more of Us is dying to jump into bed with them and their beautiful white horse before they rescue Us from the depravity of Our careers/persona and whisk Us back to Kansas for a truly romantic shotgun wedding. Anyway, what is the point of this tangent you ask? Well, it is simply to indicate that every slave or submissive that walks through the door at the Manor is a walking freakshow, likely with enough underlying issues and unaddressed drama that any wannabe-Freud would have a field day diagnosing their sundry complexes, envies, and idiosyncratic fetishes.
    This truly special sissy decided to visit the Manor after playing with the Pl@tinum's Me@n G!rls prior to My arrival when AMG still operated out of CA and PMG hadn't yet been conceived. Having experienced the wrath and abuse at the hands of Princess Carmela and Princess Bella, it was certain that anything that lil' ole Me might throw at it would surely pale in comparison... and stunningly enough, this unabashedly unattractive bitch actually had the balls to say so to Me in the intake interview where I discuss everything ahead with new slaves. It seemed it felt as if its "veteran" of previous Mean Girl clips gave it the false belief that it would easily be able to handle the expectations Myself, Ms Dandy, and others who abused it would throw at it. Alas, to say this wasn't the case, would be to understate the reality of the situation.
    I won't elaborate much further here as the clip is quite illuminating in its own regard. And for those watching who are of the belief that prior Pl@tinum's Me@n G!rls were more violent, or inflicted greater abuses on the losers crawling about their feet, I'd invite you to take a quick watch and get the assessment of a truly speciall little sissy as it announces to anyone who might hear it, just who it believes to be the most brutal of all the Pl@tinum's Me@n G!rls it has ever encountered.... as from what I gather, it isn't any Mean Girl that was ever in California..

    Info file :
    File Type : mp4
    Runtime : 00:12:54
    File Size : 415Mb
    Resolution : 1920x1080

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  4. #14114
    VIP Katrin1988's Avatar
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    Slave Speedbump Gets Run The Fuck Over - Goddess Platinum

    About video: And you thought you've seen the most brutal trampling and crushing videos? Let Me go ahead and disavow you of that notion... watch this clip where I take smashing a slave underfoot to a whole new level... in it, slave "speedbump" gets himself utterly flattened and "trampled" by both My vehicles as well as My spiked heels and beautiful perfect feet.... This is a definite ONE OF A KIND clip.... and is being released here on Platinum's Pl@tinum's Me@n G!rls, exclusively first.... so as members, you get the rarest content We film first, without having to cough up cash every few days for new releases....
    Watch as I back an SUV and a Pickup truck over a loser multiple times, also driving back over it forward after each pass.... the vehicles even got stuck on its fat speedbumpy ass a few times and had to pump the gas to get over its mushy asphalt of a belly.... LOL...
    Check it out as you wont find this anywhere else...

    Info file :
    File Type : mp4
    Runtime : 00:11:05
    File Size : 594Mb
    Resolution : 1920x1080

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  5. #14115
    VIP Katrin1988's Avatar
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    Smoking A Jay With My Ashtray - Goddess Platinum

    Info file :
    File Type : mp4
    Runtime : 00:08:42
    File Size : 453Mb
    Resolution : 1920x1080

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  6. #14116
    VIP Katrin1988's Avatar
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    So Hot For Teacher - Goddess Platinum

    About video: The hottest teacher in the school, Ms Platinum, did the unthinkable and sent the football star J.J. Jockstrap to detention for continually acting like an idiot in Her class....He doesn't even mind tho because the only thing he likes more than football, is thinking about how great it will be to finally "score" with a woman once he can get out of his parents house and into a great college program. And with Ms Platinum also monitoring detention, he can hardly take his eyes off Her legs and the way She dangles He high heels...
    But as much as JJ loves looking at Ms Platinum, he also has a full pre-game ritual that he knows he needs to complete before taking the field tonight in the big rivalry game. But rather than letting this knuckle-dragger out on time, Ms Platinum raises the stakes and insures Mr Football, becomes Mr Humiliated by the Hot Teacher as She makes him debase and humiliate himself for Her entertainment...
    Check out the clip for all the school-time shenanigans..

    Info file :
    File Type : mp4
    Runtime : 00:34:39
    File Size : 1087Mb
    Resolution : 1920x1080

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  7. #14117
    VIP Katrin1988's Avatar
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    Sopping Wet Spittoon Slave - Alpha Allie & Princess Alexandria & Goddess Platinum

    About video: What's better than Two Pl@tinum's Me@n G!rls treating a loser like the worthless garbage it is while hanging out at the Manor? Well Three Pl@tinum's Me@n G!rls treating a loser like worthless garbage, of course.... LOL
    So Princess Alexandria, Alpha Allie, and I had just about wrapped up a day of shooting when we sat down in the wardrobe and had a smoke session while We discussed a variety of things that had happened throughout the day. And while the fragrant smoke from the pre-roll helped to wash away the day's frustrations, We also chose to make things even more fun by dragging in a loser and treating it like the absolute bitch it will always be for Us. Hahahahaaa....
    So not only did the thing get to serve as an ashtray, but it was quite literally covered and drenched with "Perfect Goddess Spit" by the time We had finished smoking and were finished with the thing. Talk about making it exactly obvious how little We respect the thing or find it at all human. Nope, the thing is trash just like the nastiness We each spit all over it.... (In several of the frames you can see the thing kneeling and waiting for one of Us to spit on it or in its mouth while a few previous loogies are starting to crust over on its forehead.... how fn nasty and sadly disgusting are Our pathetic losers? Watch the clip and find out.... LOL... cuz to My knowledge, appears they are at least a few hundred spits, spots, and drops of Goddess drizzle all over the thing and it's probably the happiest its ever been in its entire life... And that doesn't even account for how badly Alexandria and I burned the stupid things mouth and tongue.... HAhahahaha.... awwww, too bad soooo sad fucktard.... a bitch is a bitch is a bitch, and that is all Our slaves ever get treated like...)

    Info file :
    File Type : mp4
    Runtime : 00:17:09
    File Size : 617Mb
    Resolution : 1920x1080

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  8. #14118
    VIP Katrin1988's Avatar
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    Goddess Monaliza Perfect Face Abuse Pt.1

    Info file :
    File Type : mp4
    Runtime : 10min 15s
    File Size : 372.75 Mb
    Resolution : 1920x1080

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  9. #14119
    VIP Katrin1988's Avatar
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    Spanking The Simpleton - Goddess Platinum

    Info file :
    File Type : mp4
    Runtime : 00:17:06
    File Size : 623Mb
    Resolution : 1920x1080

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  10. #14120
    VIP Katrin1988's Avatar
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    Goddess Monaliza Perfect Face Abuse Pt.2

    Info file :
    File Type : mp4
    Runtime : 10min 15s
    File Size : 372.98 Mb
    Resolution : 1920x1080

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