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Thread: Naked News 1080p

  1. #971
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    Frankie Kennedy

    Hello, everyone, and welcome to Thankful Thursday here at Naked News. I'm Alana Blaire

    And I'm Cecelia Sommer, filling in for the vacationing Isabella Rossini.

    Cecelia, you and I have been known to enjoy a little cannabis every now and then, how has its legalization here in Canada impacted your use? Well, south of the border, even though marijuana is legal in many states, its still a federal offence.

    But as Frankie's about to explain in the Naked Newsroom, the Biden administration IS making a pretty big change to its legal status!

    That's right ladies, pot isn't getting legalized at the federal level, but it is set to become a lot less illegal! Basically, the DEA is going to reclassify marijuana from a Schedule I drug to a Schedule III drug. For context, a Schedule I drug is one that's considered to have "no accepted medical use and a high potential for abuse", such as heroin and cocaine. Whereas Schedule III includes drugs like steroids and Tylenol with codeine. Admittedly, this change will mostly affect research and weed companies' taxes. but it's a start!

    In other news, the Supreme Court is not messing with Texas. The Court just denied a request to block a Texas law that will require age verification to access porn sites. The challengers, which included the ACLU and a trade group for adult performers, argued that this law will create privacy issues and risk exposing users to tracking and extortion. But it seems people who want adult content in the lone star state, will have to keep handing over their personally identifying info.

    And THIS is a little concerning! Even though the USDA is confident America's meat supply is safe, they now plan on testing samples of ground beef for bird flu. The reason is that there have been confirmed outbreaks of bird flu in dairy cows, across the country. Now the GOOD news - the Department of Agriculture has confirmed that ALL the ground beef samples collected so far have tested negative for the bird flu virus. And more good news ladies, they believe that the pasteurization process inactivates the virus.

    That's all well and good Frankie, but this bird flu situation keeps creeping up on us.

    Yeah, kind of like COVID did. I don't like where this is headed!

    Thanks Frankie! We'll check back with you later. Okay, next up, it's time for our Throwback Thursday feature, From The Vault!

    This week's classic clip is thanks to an email from Dennis in Cork, Ireland! He wrote, "I'm a huge fan of adult content creator Kylie Morgan and just found out she appeared on Naked News! I'd love to see something she did with you!" You're a man with good taste, Dennis!

    We met Kylie "Cupcake" Morgan a few years ago in Miami. She's gorgeous and totally natural on camera. We filmed a few things with her but the highlight had to be our trip with her to Puerto Vallarta, Mexico!

    So just for you Dennis, we picked an interview she did while she was there, with ANOTHER uber-hottie! Have a look.

    File Name : 2024-05-02.mp4
    File Size : 543 MB
    Resolution : 1920x1080
    Duration : 00:18:25

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  2. #972
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    Marina Valmont

    I'm Eila Adams!

    And I'm Frankie Kennedy! Welcome to The Bare Naked Truth!

    Before we get started, have you gotten to use any of the G-spot and squirting info we learned last week? But as is already tradition, we're getting things started with The Bare Naked Truth NEWS!

    Bring it on, Marina Valmont!

    Ladies, a new study suggests male bike riders who want to avoid perineal damage and possible erectile dysfunction, should try standing on the pedals every ten minutes or so. Just one more reason to be a "STAND UP" guy!

    According to another study, a majority of women enjoy a higher level of sexual desire for their partner, when they pitch in with chores and help clean up around the house. Sounds about right to me!

    Researchers have found that the symptoms of long COVID are more plentiful than we thought. and can include hair loss and reduced sex drive.

    A study of UK-based sexually active adults who aren't in relationships found FORTY-ONE percent watched porn EVERY DAY! And the rates are even higher for seniors! I Guess it's not just British upper lips that are STIFF!

    And a Michigan woman is attempting to sue a man who stood her up for TEN THOUSAND dollars! Having watched the ten-minute hearing that's online, I'd say NOT going on a second date with this woman is FOR SURE worth ten grand!

    I'm Marina Valmont, and that's some Bare Naked Truth.

    File Name : 2024-05-03.mp4
    File Size : 678.77 MB
    Resolution : 1920x1080
    Duration : 00:22:59

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  3. #973
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    Isabella Rossini

    Welcome, everyone, to Naked News Magazine! I'm Tia Larose!

    And I'm Cecelia Sommer! We've got a fantastic show for you today, starting off with some sexy vocal stylings! Are you much of a singer, Tia? Well, we all know that not only is Isabella Rossini our resident Italian chef, she's also our resident songbird!

    You've heard her sing on the show before, but now she's ready to premiere her NEWEST song, and it's a sultry number that'll get you grooving!

    Have a look!

    File Name : 2024-05-05.mp4
    File Size : 728.93 MB
    Resolution : 1920x1080
    Duration : 00:24:44

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  4. #974
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    Eila Adams

    Hello, everyone, I'm Eila Adams! Welcome to a brand new week here at Naked News. It's going to be an exciting one, too, with a couple of new auditions, a new guest anchor on Wednesday and the totally gorgeous Kitty Quinn coming up later in Pillow Talk. But first, let's dive into today's headlines!

    Anyone out there see the live roast of Tom Brady Sunday night on Netflix? WOW! There's roasting and then there's what the GOAT had to face from a slew of big names, including the grand roastmaster himself, Jeff Ross, and the host for the evening, Kevin Hart.

    And those were some of the TAMER jokes. The night was hilarious with ex patriots coach Bill Belichick on hand, Patriots owner Robert Kraft, Kim Kardashian and Drew Bledsoe among many others. Check out this burn of Drew Bledsoe by comedian Sam Jay!

    Needless to say, we have to commend Tom Brady for having the balls to do this roast. He took it like the champ he is. If you missed it, I highly recommend you check it out on Netflix.

    Something else that rose to EPIC proportions over the weekend was the continuing feud between rap superstars Drake and Kendrick Lamar! The back and forth got down right vicious, starting on Friday when each of them released almost simultaneous diss tracks. On Saturday, Kendrick snapped back with another diss track called "Not Like Us", accusing Drake of being a pedophile. Here's a particularly vicious snippet!

    Damn! Drake then presented his rebuttal on Sunday calling it "The Heart Part 6" and he didn't pull its punches! It includes allegations that Kendrick BEATS his fiancee and that one of their kids might not be his! Okay, clearly, this has been entertaining. but can't we all just get along?!

    And not to be outdone, MADONNA of all people is ALSO in the news today. Not for any roast or diss track, but for an EPIC record she set in Rio de Janeiro! On her final tour stop, the Material Girl set a personal record, performing for an estimated crowd at Copacabana Beach of ONE-POINT-SIX MILLION PEOPLE! That's just insane! The massive crowd danced the night away, singing to the pop stars hits like Material Girl, Like a Virgin and Papa Don't Preach. What a way to wrap up a tour!

    That's one concert I wish I was at. Don't go away folks, I'll be back in a few with more headlines.

    File Name : 2024-05-06.mp4
    File Size : 428.2 MB
    Resolution : 1920x1080
    Duration : 00:14:33

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  5. #975
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    Alana Blaire


    I'm Eila Adams!

    And I'm Frankie Kennedy! Welcome to The Bare Naked Truth!

    Before we get started, have you gotten to use any of the G-spot and squirting info we learned last week? But as is already tradition, we're getting things started with The Bare Naked Truth NEWS!

    Bring it on, Marina Valmont!

    Ladies, a new study suggests male bike riders who want to avoid perineal damage and possible erectile dysfunction, should try standing on the pedals every ten minutes or so. Just one more reason to be a "STAND UP" guy!

    According to another study, a majority of women enjoy a higher level of sexual desire for their partner, when they pitch in with chores and help clean up around the house. Sounds about right to me!

    Researchers have found that the symptoms of long COVID are more plentiful than we thought. and can include hair loss and reduced sex drive.

    A study of UK-based sexually active adults who aren't in relationships found FORTY-ONE percent watched porn EVERY DAY! And the rates are even higher for seniors! I Guess it's not just British upper lips that are STIFF!

    And a Michigan woman is attempting to sue a man who stood her up for TEN THOUSAND dollars! Having watched the ten-minute hearing that's online, I'd say NOT going on a second date with this woman is FOR SURE worth ten grand!

    I'm Marina Valmont, and that's some Bare Naked Truth.

    File Name : 2024-05-07.mp4
    File Size : 526.54 MB
    Resolution : 1920x1080
    Duration : 00:17:52

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  6. #976
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    Madison Banes, Special Guest, Tia Larose, Frankie Kennedy

    Welcome, everyone, to Naked News! I'm Frankie Kennedy! Before we get to today's discussion, we have a VERY special guest here - the gorgeous Nadia White! Welcome to Naked News! So, we saw your audition yesterday, how was it filming that?

    Okay, well, it was a pleasure getting to know you Nadia, now I hope you're ready to share some of your opinions because it's time to get the discussion started. Let's head on over to the couches.

    All right, Madison Banes and Tia Larose have joined us! How are you ladies doing?

    I want to start with a discussion on BREAKUPS! We've all experienced them, and maybe had our hearts broken once or twice. So I'd like to know, how did you all get over the person? Did you do anything specific to try to move on?

    Well, there's a dating and relationship coach named Denni Abbi, and she's got a list of specific things you should do to get over that ex for good. Let's go through it and see what we think!

    1 - Don't stalk their social media. Everyone acts happy on social media, and seeing that will only hurt you! If you can't resist the temptation, just block them entirely.

    2 - Don't ask friends for updates. Hearing what they're doing, whether it's a new relationship or just with friends, will just prolong the pain.

    3 - Don't lurk near their house. No late-night drive-bys to see who's there. Out of sight, out of mind.

    4 - Delete their number and email address from all your electronics. Make sure you can't try to contact them in a weak moment.

    5 - Stop talking about them. You can discuss the breakup with your friends when it happens, but don't dwell on it. If you really need to understand it better, go to counseling.

    All right, next up, ladies, guys' penis sizes comes up a lot on the program. But before we get into why we're talking about it today, I want to know what was the biggest penis YOU've ever experienced?

    - Do you find a big penis is actually better than the "average" of around five or six inches?

    - Was there anything you found you couldn't or wouldn't do with a big penis, because of its size?

    Well, a story recently went viral about a man who's believed to have the biggest penis in the UK. His name is Matt Barr and he's a bit longer than 12 inches. And he says having such a large penis isn't what it's cracked up to be. And he's given several reasons why!

    - Many women do not want to have sex with him

    - Can't do most sex positions

    - He finds many pants and shorts difficult to wear

    - Going to the gym is difficult for him

    - Impossible to hide an erection

    File Name : 2024-05-08.mp4
    File Size : 829.88 MB
    Resolution : 1920x1080
    Duration : 00:28:04

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  7. #977
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    Frankie Kennedy

    Hello, everyone, I'm Alana Blaire, and and joining me in the studio today is THIS sexy lady! Hello Kat Logan! It's great to have you back, and we're going to take this opportunity to get to know you even better, starting with, are you Team Android or Team Apple? Well, it wasn't that long ago that everyone's must-have device was an iPad. and if Apple has anything to say about it, history's going to repeat itself.

    Frankie's standing by in the Naked Newsroom with the story.

    The iPad hasn't been a big seller for a while, but Apple is hoping to change that! The company just unveiled new versions of the iPad Pro and the more affordable iPad Air. The Pro is both lighter and thinner than past versions, and also uses the M4 chip, which Apple is counting on to power its advances in AI. Of course, these changes come at a price. The 11-inch version of the iPad Pro goes for about a grand, while the 13-incher will set you back thirteen hundred dollars.

    The cruise industry is BOOMING, and for proof, look no further then Royal Caribbean. The cruise operator is looking to hire as many as TEN THOUSAND new workers this year, to meet demand! Which makes sense, given that last year, a record number of people took cruises. And earlier this year, the company launched the world's LARGEST cruise ship, the appropriately named Icon of the Seas! Plus Royal Caribbean's adding three new ships to its fleet, so clearly, it's time for all hands on deck!

    And Disney is hoping that LESS is MORE when it comes to its Marvel output! The entertainment giant has announced it'll be focusing on quality over quantity, and moving towards making a maximum of THREE Marvel movies and two Disney+ shows a year. This is because Disney has come under fire by critics, and the public, for releasing far too many subpar superhero flicks of late. Believe it or not, 2024 will actually see only ONE Marvel movie release: "Deadpool and Wolverine", coming July twenty-sixth. And considering it's DEADPOOL AND WOLVERINE, that's basically a guaranteed blockbuster!

    I'll see you back here a little later for more Naked News! Don't go away.

    File Name : 2024-05-09.mp4
    File Size : 621.31 MB
    Resolution : 1920x1080
    Duration : 00:21:03

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  8. #978
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    Isabella Rossini, Laura Desiree

    Welcome, everyone, to Naked News! I'm Alana Blaire, and I'm joined today by a very special guest, the gorgeous Nadia White!

    Hi, everyone! Very excited to be cohosting with you, Alana!

    We're going to have a great time so let's get started with a question for you - do you believe in ghosts or hauntings, stuff like that? Well, we hear a lot of stories about haunted HOUSES, but not so many about haunted APPLIANCES!

    But apparently at least ONE exists, and Isabella and Laura have the weird details for us next in Odds N Ends!

    File Name : 2024-05-10.mp4
    File Size : 824.8 MB
    Resolution : 1920x1080
    Duration : 00:27:59

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  9. #979
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    Isabella Rossini

    Welcome to Naked News Magazine! I'm your girl Ronnie Foxx, and I have a damn fine show ahead for you, including a tour of Shannon's Costa Rican casa! First, though, we're heading over to Isabella's Italian kitchen. But today, she's not whipping up a pasta or a pastry - she's got something decidedly NOT Italian on the menu, but definitely still delicious! Have a look.

    File Name : 2024-05-12.mp4
    File Size : 627.64 MB
    Resolution : 1920x1080
    Duration : 00:21:25

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  10. #980
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    Eila Adams

    Welcome one and all, to NAKED NEWS, I'm Eila Adams. We've got lots to get to today, including more from our European Guest Anchor Mel Fire as well a new biopic on Amy Winehouse. But first, let's get to the headlines!

    Britain may be the birthplace of the stiff upper lip, but it seems that's all they want stiff! Many Britons are up in arms after the closing episode of the Netflix series A Man in Full showed, well, a man in full! By which I mean a full on erection! Currently, because Netflix has its European headquarters in Amsterdam, it isn't subject to the UK's Broadcasting Code. But at least one Tory MP is calling for oversight saying he doesn't agree with how Netflix is serving up this sort of low-grade pornographic rubbish.

    Meanwhile, A Man in Full wasn't the only show pushing the envelope! The Eurovision Song Contest was at its raciest this weekend, with Spain particularly getting down and dirty. Especially if you're shocked by the sight of men in thongs and corsets! Of course, I suspect OUR viewers might be most interested in Raiven from Slovenia, who was TECHNICALLY not naked, but that bodysuit didn't leave much to the imagination! And her dancers weren't hard on the eyes either! And in case you were wondering Switzerland won the top prize, on the back of Nemo and his song "The Code".

    And being too racy isn't just relegated to Europe today. An ad for lactation cookies has been pulled from a Times Square billboard, apparently for being too racy! It wasn't the message the ad was trying to convey but rather the image that was used: a pregnant cookbook author with her belly exposed and cookies covering up her nipples. The digital billboard ad was supposed to run for a week, but was taken down after just 2 days, and replaced with a tamer version.

    I think we all need to get a grip because there is nothing more beautiful than the human body! Don't go away!

    File Name : 2024-05-13.mp4
    File Size : 435.2 MB
    Resolution : 1920x1080
    Duration : 00:14:46

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