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Thread: Video Tutorials Collection

  1. #6851
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    Learn Flutter and Flame by Building Minecraft!

    Learn Flutter and Flame by Building Minecraft!
    Published 07/2022
    MP4 | Video: h264, 1280x720 | Audio: AAC, 44.1 KHz, 2 Ch
    Genre: eLearning | Language: English + srt | Duration: 197 lectures (23h 37m) | Size: 17.9 GB

    A fullstack all-in-one course where you'll learn everything from Flutter, Dart, Flame, etc by building Minecraft!

    What you'll learn
    Proficiency in Flutter, Flame, Algorithms, Local Databases (Hive), GetX, Game Design, Game Development, and much more!
    Advanced problem solving skills, including usage of various algorithms, project management abilities, etc.
    In depth knowledge about programming and algorithms, learned from practical examples.
    You'll be taken through a journey of 8000+ lines of code, guided step-by-step, with animations.

    Everyone is guaranteed to learn something new, but as a starting point you'd need to have a basic-intemediate knowledge of Flutter and Dart! Every line of code will be explained in detail, with inforgraphic animations!
    Beginners are also welcome, but be sure ask me questions to clear doubts during every step!
    You must have VS Code installed.
    You should atleast know the basics of Flutter and Dart; Building Apps, Stateless-Statefull Widgets, Using and Installing Packages, Knowledge of Classes, etc.

    In this course, you will be taken through the perplexing and algorithmic journey of creating a complex 2D Version of the game Minecraft, with Flutter, and a bare-bones game engine package; Flame. This is a jam-packed, all-in-one course made with 600hrs of dedicated work, which will leave you well on your way to becoming a better developer.

    In this course, we'll cover every prominent feature that makes Minecraft the game it is, including-

    Procedural Terrain Generation with Perlin Noise.

    Biomes; Desert and Birch Forest. (Expandable)

    Structure Generation (Biome Specific)

    Block Placing/Breaking (Different Mining Speeds for Different Types of Blocks. Also accounting for Tool used)

    Player Movement, Animations, Damage Indicators, Delta Time accounting speed, Quadratic Graavity, etc.

    Health and Hunger System

    Respawning/Respawn Screen.

    Game Layout; GUI-game Separation.

    Collision algorithm from Intersection Points.

    Dynamic Crafting Algorithms.

    Accountable Inventory System.

    Global Data Management with GetX.

    Day-Night Time Cycle (Custom Timer)

    Hostile Mobs; Zombies/Spider (With their own specific logic).

    Tools and Weapons of different Tiers.

    Custom Block Generation (Expandable).

    Gravity Blocks.

    World Saving with Hive

    Interactive world creation and joining with a launcher.

    Launcher panorama effect.

    And much more!

    All of these complex features and code, are packaged, and explained, line-by-line with captivating animations.

    But this is not it, you can expand on my take on Minecraft, as this course was designed to encourage your creativity. if you have any problems while coding, you can reach out to me on my discord server and I'll respond to your doubt.

    Who this course is for
    Anyone who is looking to increase their proficiency in Flutter/Dart should definitely try this course. It covers a wide range of algorithms, and tools. I guarantee that even the experts will learn tons of new things!



  2. #6852
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    Talend Data Integration & Kobo Toolbox En Fran?ais

    Talend Data Integration & Kobo Toolbox En Fran?ais
    Derni?re mise ? jour : 5/2020
    MP4 | Video: h264, 1280x720 | Audio: AAC, 44.1 KHz
    Language: Fran?ais | Size: 6.58 GB | Duration: 16h 18m

    Apprendre l'int?gration des donn?es avec Talend Data Integration par la PRATIQUE (Source de donn?es : API Kobo Toolbox)

    What you'll learn
    Avec Talend Data Integration vous allez apprendre par la pratique ? automatiser l'extraction, la transformation et le chargement de vos donn?es des formulaires cr??s dans Kobo Toolbox vers Excel ou vers un fichier au format CSV ou vers une base de donn?es relationnelle.
    Installer Talend Open Studion for Data Integration, cr?er un projet, cr?er un job, cr?er des variables de contexte, utiliser certains composants Talend n?cessaires ? la r?alisation de l'atelier.
    Apprendre ? concevoir et structurer un projet Talend.
    Utiliser un fichier des properties (fichiers de configuration du job Talend).
    Apprendre ? utiliser les web services REST de l'API Kobo ToolBox avec Talend Data Integration.
    Documenter un Job Talend, g?rer les exception Java, etc...
    Apprendre ? utiliser Talend Data Integration par la pratique avec un cas concret directement utilisable pour vos besoins au quotidien.
    L'application d'extraction de donn?es r?alis?e ? la fin de cet at?lier est directement utilisable pour vos besoins d'extraction au quotidien.
    Vous r?aliserez au moins 17 exercices pratiques pour vous familairiser avec les composants et les bonnes ptratiques avec Talend...

    Vous devez disposer d'un ordinateur et une connexion internet
    Avoir des notions du langage Java ou un autre langage de programmation objet (souhait?)
    Avoir des notions en SQL
    Les plateformes Open Source de collecte de donn?es avec t?l?phone mobile tels que Kobo ToolBox, ou ODK ou ONA...

    Vous allez apprendre ? cr?er une application professionnelle compl?te pour l'extraction automatique des donn?es de vos formulaires KoBo ToolBox au format Excel ou CSV en temps r?el en utilisant Talend Data Integration. Apprenez les techniques de base de d?veloppement et de d?ploiement de job Talend. Vous allez vous familiarisez avec un ETL open source du march? (gratuit) et puissant d'extraction, de transformation et de chargement de donn?es.A la fin de cette formation Talend Data Integration vous serez fi?rement capable par la pratique, d'automatiser l'extraction de vos donn?es des formulaires cr??s dans Kobo Toolbox vers Excel ou vers un fichier au format CSV. Au fur et ? mesure que les ?quipes d'enqu?teurs collecteront les donn?es avec leur t?l?phone mobile et qu'ils les enverront dans Kobo ToolBox, ces donn?es seront charg?es automatiquement dans une table de base de donn?es d?di?e au projet. Vos donn?es sont ainsi s?curis?es de bout en bout !Cette architecture de collecte et d'int?gration des donn?es ?vite les erreurs li?es aux ?changes de donn?es entre les enqu?teurs et les agents de saisie. Ce syst?me garantie aussi la d?tection des erreurs en temps r?el lors de la phase de collecte des donn?es de l'enqu?te, de les corriger assez rapidement avant que cela ne soit trop tard.


    Section 1: Bienvenue

    Lecture 1 Introduction

    Lecture 2 Principes g?n?raux des ETL

    Lecture 3 Architecture technique de l'application KOBOTOOLBOX_DATA_EXTRACTOR

    Lecture 4 Pr?sentation de la soci?t? Talend

    Section 2: Int?grer des donn?es avec Talend

    Lecture 5 Configuration minimum recommand?e pour installer Talend Open Studio

    Lecture 6 Installation et prise en main de Talend Open Studio

    Lecture 7 Pr?sentation des familles de composants : Partie 1

    Lecture 8 Pr?sentation des familles de composants : Partie 2

    Lecture 9 Pr?sentation des familles de composants : Partie 3

    Lecture 10 Manipulation des composants et Cr?ation de liens entre les composants - Partie 1

    Lecture 11 Manipulation des composants et Cr?ation de liens entre les composants - Partie 2

    Section 3: Exercices Pratiques

    Lecture 12 Exercice 1 : cr?ation d'un premier job simple

    Lecture 13 Exercice 2.1: m?tadonn?es de lecture du contenu d'un fichier CSV

    Lecture 14 Exercice 2.2 : m?tadonn?es de connexion ? une BDD - ?crire dans une table de BDD

    Lecture 15 Exercice 3 - Isoler les doublons d'enregistrement d'un fichier CSV

    Lecture 16 Exercice 4 - Lire les donn?es d'une table de BDD

    Lecture 17 Exercice 4.1-Lire les donn?es d'une table de BDD, cr?er un fichier Excel et CSV

    Lecture 18 Exercice 5 - Cr?er une variable globale et l'utiliser dans un filtre

    Lecture 19 Exercice 6 - Utiliser tFilterColumns

    Lecture 20 Exercice 7 - Utilisation simple du tMap

    Lecture 21 Exercice 8 - Utilisation tMap Jointure et Filtre sur fichiers entr?es

    Lecture 22 Exercice 9 - Utilisation tMap avec Filtre sur les donn?es en sortie

    Lecture 23 Exercice 10 - Utilisation tMap et les conditions ternaires Java

    Lecture 24 Exercice 11 - It?ration avec tFlowToIterate, utilisation de tFixedFlow

    Lecture 25 Exercice 12 - Impl?menter l'Exercice 11 avec un tMap

    Lecture 26 Exercice 13 - Jointures avanc?es avec tMap, gestion des rejets et doublons

    Lecture 27 Exercice 14 - Gestion des contextes

    Lecture 28 Exercice 15 - Versionning de Job

    Lecture 29 Exporter un Job

    Lecture 30 Importer un Job

    Lecture 31 Exporter un Projet

    Lecture 32 Importer un Projet

    Lecture 33 Mettre en place des logs d'ex?cution : tLogCatcher, tDie, tWarn

    Section 4: Cr?er l'application KOBOTOOLBOX DATA EXTRACTOR

    Lecture 34 Installer, configurer et tester KoBoCollect

    Lecture 35 Pr?sentation du formulaire ENQUETE DEMOGRAPHIQUE dans KoboToolBox

    Lecture 36 Cr?er le projet KOBOTOOLBOX_DATA_EXTRACTOR

    Lecture 37 Cr?er la structure des dossiers du projet et initialiser le fichier de config

    Lecture 38 Pr?sentation des jobs contenus dans l'application KOBOTOOLBOX_DATA_EXTRACTOR

    Lecture 39 Cr?ation du job getKoboUserForms

    Lecture 40 Cr?ation du job getKoboUserFormData

    Lecture 41 Cr?ation du job getKoBotUserFormDataByOwnerUsername

    Lecture 42 Cr?ation du job KOBOTOOLBOX_DATA_EXTRACTOR_MAIN

    Lecture 43 Int?grer les donn?es du formulaire ENQUETE DEMOGRAPHIQUE dans la BDD Mysql

    Lecture 44 Exporter, D?compresser le job KOBOTOOLBOX_DATA_EXTRACTOR_MAIN

    Lecture 45 Cr?ation de la t?che planifi?e sous Windows KoboToolBoxExtractor (taskschd.msc)

    Section 5: Bonus

    Lecture 46 Lancer un processus en arri?re-plan de Windows

    Lecture 47 Ressources compl?tes Formation et Application finale KOBOTOOLBOX_DATA_EXTRACTOR

    Gestionnaire de donn?es au sein des ONG,Technicien SIG (Syst?mes d'Information G?ographique),G?om?tre-topographe (collecte des donn?es topographiques),Chef de projet SIG,Chef de Projet Collecte de donn?es avec Kobo ToolBox, ODK, ONA, etc...,D?veloppeur d'Applications,Administrateur de base de donn?es,Consultant en Informatique D?cisionnelle (Business Intelligence),Etudiant(es) dans le domaine de l'informatique, G?omatique, Syst?me d'Information G?ographique, etc...,Toutes personnes souhaitant s'initier ? l'int?gration des donn?es via l'ETL Talend



  3. #6853
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    Der Moderne Java-Kurs, Vom Anf?nger Zum Profi

    Der Moderne Java-Kurs, Vom Anf?nger Zum Profi
    MP4 | Video: h264, 1280x720 | Audio: AAC, 48 KHz
    Language: Deutsch | Size: 18.25 GB | Duration: 51h 31m

    Alles ?ber Java, von Java 1.0 bis Java 17

    What you'll learn
    Alles ?ber Java - der Kurs vom Java-Champion f?r Einsteiger und Fortgeschrittene
    Von der ersten Codezeile bis hin zur anspruchsvollen Anwendung
    Imperatives Programmieren
    Objektorientiertes Programmieren
    Funktionales Programmieren
    Datenstrukturen und Algorithmen
    Java Stream-API
    Nebenl?ufige Programme schreiben

    Grundverst?ndnis f?r die Programmierung ist hilfreich
    Bedienung einer grafischen Oberfl?che
    Installation von Software

    TeilnehmerInnen dieses Kurses lernen die Programmiersprache Java und die Java Standardbibliothek von Grund auf kennen. Welche Datentypen gibt es, wie formuliert man Fallunterscheidungen und Schleifen, wie schreibt man Methoden, Klassen, Schnittstellen. Doch bei den Basics h?rt es nicht auf. Auch anspruchsvolle Sprachkonstrukte behandelt das Video-Training umfassend: dynamisches Binden, Auswahl der richtigen Datenstrukturen, Generics, Lambda-Ausdr?cke, funktionale Programmierung und vieles mehr. Die Basis bildet Java 8, aber es werden alle Features vorgestellt bis zur aktuellen Version Java 17. Und in Java ist wahrlich viel passiert, modernes Java sieht ganz anders aus als das, was viele vielleicht von 20 Jahren einmal gelernt haben.Der Dozent, Christian Ullenboom, ist seit mehr als 20 Jahren auf der Java Insel unterwegs und seine Java-B?cher sind Standardwerke. Durch seine Arbeit mit Java, den Schulungen und dem popul?ren Buch „Java ist auch eine Insel", ist Christian Ullenboom im September 2005 von Sun (heute Oracle) als Java-Champion ausgezeichnet worden.Mit rund 50 Stunden ist dieser Kurs aktuell der umfangreichste und modernste Video-Kurs auf der Plattform. Prim?r geht es um die Syntax von Java, doch auch die Themen saubere objektorientierte Programmierung, Clean-Code, Refactoring, effective Java, Design-Pattern kommen zur Sprache. So wie auch Java sich weiterentwickelt, so tut es der Kurs auch. Das hei?t: einmal kaufen und lebenslang alle neuen Java-Features lernen k?nnen.Genug geredet! Starten wir mit dem Hello-World-Programm und arbeiten uns vor zu anspruchsvollen Applikation mit Datenbankanbindung.

    Who this course is for
    Dieser Java-Kurs ist f?r Programmieranf?ngerInnen gedacht, die noch keinerlei Erfahrungen mit der Programmierung mit Java gesammelt haben,Fortgeschrittene EntwicklerInnen, die sich in die aktuellen Spracheigenschaften (Java 8 bis Java 17) einfinden m?chten



  4. #6854
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    Android Apps Mit Java Programmieren - Der Einstieg

    Android Apps Mit Java Programmieren - Der Einstieg
    MP4 | Video: h264, 1280x720 | Audio: AAC, 48 KHz
    Language: Deutsch | Size: 5.50 GB | Duration: 9h 0m

    Lerne alle wesentlichen Konzepte, um selbst produktive Android Apps programmieren zu k?nnen.

    What you'll learn
    Du lernst, wie du eigene Android Apps mit Java programmiert.
    Wesentliche Konzepte von Android werden im Kurs durchbesprochen.
    Der Kurs beginnt bei den Basics wie Activities und arbeitet sich zu fortgeschrittenen Themen aus Android wie Notifcations oder Broadcasts vor.
    Alle Elemente aus Android werden anhand von Codebeispielen besprochen.
    Viele vollst?ndige Demoprogramme illustrieren die Umsetzung der besprochenen Themen aus Android.
    Am Ende des Kurses kennst du alle wesentlichen Elemente, um produktive Android Apps selbst programmieren zu k?nnen.
    ?ber 9 Stunden Videomaterial + Quellcode und Beispiele
    6 ?bungsaufgaben (Programmierung Android App) inkl. Musterl?sungen

    Du solltest zumindest Basiskenntnisse der Programmierung mit Java mitbringen.

    Android ist das am weitesten verbreitete Betriebssystem, das auf mobilen Endger?ten bzw. Handys und Smartphones eingesetzt wird.Dieser Programmierkurs richtet sich an Einsteiger, die mit der Programmierung von Android Apps beginnen wollen. Als Android Entwickler verdienst du bis zu 58.000 EUR j?hrlich !!(Quelle: stepstone de)Starte gleich mit deiner Karriere als Android Entwickler, indem du dich zu diesem Kurs einschreibst!Du lernst in diesem Kurs in ?ber 9 Stunden Video Material die wichtigsten Android Elemente kennen:Installation und Verwendung der Programmierumgebung Android StudioLayouts und UserInterface Komponenten in AndroidVerwaltung und Ausgabe von Log-MeldungenDarstellung von Elementen als ListeIntegration von Dateien und Dokumenten aus Assets und von der SD-KartePermissions - Berechtigungskonzept in AndroidIntegration von Benutzermen?s in Android AppsBenutzerinteraktion mithilfe von DialogenDas Datenformat JSON - wesentliches Element f?r die Interaktion von Android Apps mit REST-orientierten WebservicesNebenl?ufigkeit und Threading in Android mithilfe vom Async-Task-Framework umsetzen.Aufgaben mithilfe von impliziten und expliziten Intents delegieren.Den Benutzer der App mithilfe von Notifications benachrichtigenOptimierung des Benutzerinterfaces mithilfe von FragmentsErstellung und Programmierung von ServicesDer ContentProvider in Android am Beispiel der Verwaltung von BenutzerkontaktenDer Markt f?r mobile Endger?te teilt sich im Wesentlichen auf Apple's iOS und Android Ger?te auf. Was mit der Einf?hrung des iPhones begann, nahm erst durch die Ver?ffentlichung des Betriebssystems Android so richtig Fahrt auf.Inzwischen wird Android nicht auf Smartphones und Tablets, sondern auch in Fahrzeugen, auf Fernsehern und einer Vielzahl an anderen Ger?ten eingesetzt.Native Android Apps programmieren zu k?nnen, kann daher heute sicher zu einer Kernkompetenz eines Programmierers gez?hlt werden. Umgekehrt ist der Einstieg in die Welt von Android auch nicht schwer, da neben der Programmiersprache Kotlin auch nach wie vor Java in vollem Ausma? zur Entwicklung von Android Apps unterst?tzt wird. Dies ist auch wichtig, da es eine Menge an bestehenden Apps am Markt gibt, die rein in Java programmiert wurden. Diese zum Teil sehr gro?en und komplexen Applikationen k?nnen nicht von heute auf morgen auf die Programmiersprache Kotlin umgestellt werden. D.h. Android Programmierung mit Java ist nicht nur f?r jene interessant, die gerne selbst Apps entwickeln wollen, sondern auch f?r jene, die vielleicht an bereits etablierten Projekten mitwirken wollen.Wir arbeiten uns in diesem Kurs in ?ber 9 Stunden Videomaterial gemeinsam vom Einstieg in die Entwicklung von Android Apps mithilfe von Android Studio ?ber die Erstellung von Benutzerinterfaces hin zu komplexeren Themen wie dem ContentProvider in Android.Alle gezeigten Materialien finden Sie im verkn?pften Kursrepository. Zus?tzlich befindet sich darin Bonusmaterial, das den Umstieg von Java auf Kotlin vereinfacht.Der Kurs Android Apps mit Java programmieren lernen richtet sich an Einsteiger in der Entwicklung von Android / Handy Apps, die bereits ?ber Basiswissen in der Programmierung Java verf?gen und nun ihr Wissen in der Programmierung von Android Apps erweitern wollen.Neben Android spezifischen Themen werden auch relevante angrenzende Gebiete angesprochen wie etwa der Kontakt mit Webservices. Wie k?nnen REST (Representational State Transfer) orientierte Webservices von unserer Android App heraus angesprochen werden?Insbesonders mobile Apps generieren einen h?heren Nutzwert f?r den User, wenn sie die zur Verf?gung stehenden Daten (Benutzerdaten, Standortdaten, etc.) in die Darstellung von Daten einbinden. Doch k?nnen nat?rlich nicht alle relevanten Daten direkt am Ger?t gespeichert werden, sondern werden in der Regel von vielen verschiedenen Webservices w?hrend der Laufzeit der mobilen App heruntergeladen und permanent aktualisiert.Da das Herunterladen von Daten aus dem Internet - je nach Verf?gbarkeit der mobilen Datenverbindung - bei einer mobilen App auch mal etwas l?nger dauern kann, werden wir solche Operationen in einen eigenen Thread auslagern, um nicht die Responsivness der Android App zu gef?hrden. Daf?r f?hren wir in diesem Android Programmierkurs auch das Async-Task-Framework ein, das uns Android f?r nebenl?ufige Prozesse zur Verf?gung stellt. Du lernst, wie du selbst einen nebenl?ufigen Thread mithilfe von AsyncTask in Android programmierst und diesen f?r die Abfrage eines Webservices einsetzt.Webservices liefern in der Regel Daten im JSON Format. Das ist ein reines Textformat, das mit sehr wenig Overhead eine schnelle und schlanke Daten?bertragung von Webservices erm?glicht. Da JSON inzwischen zu einem "DeFactoStandard" f?r die Daten?bertragung von Webservices emanzipiert ist, besprechen wir in diesem Android Programmierkurs auch JSON ausf?hrlich und gehen auf die GSON Bibliothek ein, die ein automatisches Mapping zwischen Java Objekten und JSON Objekten erm?glicht.
    Who this course is for
    Java Programmierer, die Android Apps programmieren m?chten.,Einsteiger in die Programmierung, die ?ber Basiskenntnisse in Java verf?gen und Android Apps programmieren m?chten.



  5. #6855
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    Angular 8 - The Complete Guide 2022

    Angular 8 - The Complete Guide 2022
    Published 7/2022
    MP4 | Video: h264, 1280x720 | Audio: AAC, 44.1 KHz
    Language: English | Size: 10.96 GB | Duration: 20h 7m

    Angular will get you job-ready! Get hands-on experience building and deploying production-ready apps.

    What you'll learn
    Develop modern, complex, responsive and scalable web applications with Angular 14
    Learn to build reactive, performant, large scale applications like a senior developer
    Master the latest ecosystem of a Angular Developer from scratch
    Fully understand the architecture behind an Angular application and how to use it
    Set up authentication and user accounts
    Learn to use TailwindCSS in an Angular application
    Use Firebase to build full stack applications
    Learn the latest features in Angular: Routing, Directives, Pipes, Services, Ahead of time Compilation + much more
    Build enterprise level Angular and TypeScript applications to deploy to production Learn to lead Angular projects by making good architecture decisions and hel
    Create single-page applications with one of the most modern JavaScript frameworks out there
    Handle and process data declaratively using RxJs
    Architect large apps effectively using Typescript + Angular's Module system

    There is no need to have any experience with Angular or any other framework.

    Angular is the next large deal. Being the successor of the overwhelmingly successful Angular.js framework it's certain to shape the future of frontend development in a similar way. The effective points and competencies of Angular allow you to create complex, customizable, modern, responsive, and consumer-friendly internet applications.Angular thirteen truly is the modern-day version of the Angular framework and absolutely a replacement for Angular 2.Angular is quicker than Angular 1 and affords a whole lot greater bendy and modular improvement approach. After taking this route you'll be able to wholly take advantage of all those elements and begin developing extremely good applications immediately.Due to the drastic differences between Angular 1 and Angular (=Angular 13) you don't need to know anything about Angular.js to be capable to gain from this route and build your future initiatives with Angular.Get a profound grasp of how to create Angular applicationsThis course will teach you all the fundamentals about modules, directives, components, data binding, routing, HTTP access, and a good deal more! We will take a lot of deep dives and each section is backed up with a real project. All examples showcase the facets Angular gives and how to apply them correctly.• Develop single-page Angular applications with the usage of Typescript.• Set up an entire Angular improvement environment.• Create Components, Directives, Services, Pipes, Forms, and Custom Validators.• Handle advanced community facts retrieval tasks with the usage of Observables.• Build RIA the usage of Angular.js• Exploit two-way binding offered by means of Angular.js• Use dependency injection for higher maintainability• Understand and use more than a few directives provided by way of Angular.js• Create custom directives• Use grunt.js for typically carried out duties in JavaScript software improvement Specifically, you will learn:Which architecture does Angular use?How to use TypeScript to write Angular applicationsAll about directives and components, which includes the introduction of customized directives/ componentsHow data binding worksAll about routing and handling navigationWhat Pipes are and how to use themHow to get right of entry to the Web (e.g. RESTful servers)What dependency injection is and how to use itHow to use Modules in AngularHow to optimize your (bigger) Angular ApplicationAn introduction to NgRx and complicated country managementWe will build an important challenge in this direction so that you can exercise all conceptsand so a great deal more!
    Section 1: Introduction
    Lecture 1 Introduction
    Lecture 2 Angular CLI Installation
    Lecture 3 Angular components
    Lecture 4 Angular 8 Customizing Components, Interpolation & Property Binding
    Lecture 5 Angular 8 Class Binding, Style Binding & Event Binding
    Lecture 6 Angular 8 Pipes
    Section 2: Angular 8 Integrating with Bootstrap
    Lecture 7 Angular 8 Integrating with Bootstrap
    Section 3: Angular Directives
    Lecture 8 Angular 8 Directives - part 1
    Lecture 9 Angular 8 Directives - part 2
    Section 4: Angular routing
    Lecture 10 Angular 8 Routing - part 1
    Lecture 11 Angular 8 Routing - part 2
    Section 5: Angular 8 Services
    Lecture 12 Angular 8 Services
    Section 6: Angular 8 Template Driven Forms
    Lecture 13 Angular 8 Template Driven Forms - part 1
    Lecture 14 Angular 8 Template Driven Forms - part 2
    Lecture 15 Angular 8 Template Driven Forms - part 3
    Section 7: Angular 8 Reactive Forms
    Lecture 16 Angular 8 Reactive Forms - part 1
    Lecture 17 Angular 8 Reactive Forms - part 2
    Lecture 18 Angular 8 Reactive Forms - part 3
    Section 8: Angular 8 Component Interaction
    Lecture 19 Angular 8 Component Interaction - part 1
    Lecture 20 Angular 8 Component Interaction - part 2
    Lecture 21 Angular 8 Component Interaction - part 3
    Section 9: Angular CLI
    Lecture 22 Angular CLI - part 1
    Lecture 23 Angular CLI - part 2
    Section 10: Angular 8 Life Cycle Hooks
    Lecture 24 Angular 8 Life Cycle Hooks
    Section 11: Angular 8 Rest API
    Lecture 25 Angular 8 Rest API - part 1
    Lecture 26 Angular 8 Rest API - part 2
    Section 12: Compiling Angular Application
    Lecture 27 compiling angular application
    Section 13: Angular 8 Dev Build vs. Prod Build
    Lecture 28 Angular 8 Dev Build vs. Prod Build
    Section 14: Deploying Angular 8 Application in Tomcat Server
    Lecture 29 Deploying Angular 8 Application in Tomcat Server
    Section 15: Angular 8 Unit Testing
    Lecture 30 Angular 8 Unit Testing
    Anyone looking to learn more about Angular,Programmers who want to learn one of the most in demand skill of a web developer,Developers that want to be in the top 10% of Angular Developers,Students who want to gain experience working on a scalable large application,Developers looking to get in-depth knowledge on Angular Universal and Angular Server-side Rendering,Developers looking to learn first the most commonly used parts of Angular



  6. #6856
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    Tableau Course For Beginner To Pro (20+ Hours)

    Tableau Course For Beginner To Pro (20+ Hours)
    Last updated 7/2022
    MP4 | Video: h264, 1280x720 | Audio: AAC, 44.1 KHz
    Language: English | Size: 8.01 GB | Duration: 20h 2m

    Tableau Course for freshers and Intermediates ( Proper understanding of the tool & many More)

    What you'll learn
    This Course is only for Freshers.
    After taking this course students will feel confident.
    Who wants to become a data analyst.
    who want to switch from Excel to tableau.

    Students should be Intermediate or undergraduates or graduates and should have basic understanding of mathematics.

    WHO'S THIS FOR?This course is designed specifically for freshers and also for those who want to switch career from Excel to Tableau .Tableau is a leading data visualization tool used for data analysis and business intelligence. Gartner's Magic Quadrant classified Tableau as a leader for analytics and business intelligence.Advantages of TableauData visualization.Quickly Create Interactive visualizations.Ease of Implementation.Tableau can handle large amounts of data.Use of other scripting languages in Tableau.Mobile Support and Responsive Dashboard.Tableau Company Strategy.Scheduling or notification of reports.PROBLEMS YOU'VE EXPERIENCED WITH EXCEL IN THE PASTExcel becomes slow or crashes when you have lots of data, formatting and Charts inside a workbook.Mistakenly working on the wrong file you saved.It's so annoying to email multiple Excel files to the same people everyday.It takes hours to create a dashboard with multiple charts and formula functions.Some time Excel files are used to store the large amount data which is a very wrong decision because to update the data everyday on that file is a headache because it takes so much time to get open and then to get save.Learn how to use a TABLEAU Desktop (Data Visualization) most demanded tool in the industry today. Give your career a boost. With our online tutorials, you will be amazed what you can achieved.Section 1 : Booster1 Introduction 2 Download 3 Install 4 Tableau Extension5 Connect with Database 6 Tableau Live & Extract 7 View Tables 8 Data Types9 Tableau Work Sheet Interface 10 Data Types Symbol 11 Adding new Sheet 12 Product Category & Sales13 Dimensions & Measures 14 Visualize data in workspace15 Make Hierarchy 16 Grouping17 Auto Generated Fields 5 18 Auto Generated Fields in Tableau19 Records Per Dimension data or Item 20 Granularity 21 Granularity and Drill Down 22 Table into chart form 23 Color label 24 Color label for two different dimension 25 Map 26 Normal 27 Dynamic Filter 28 Date Filter 1 29 Date Filter 2 (Part1) 30 Date Filter 2 (Part2) 31 Date Filter 2 (Part 3)32 Date Filter 3 33 Relevant Filter Explained34 Relevant Filter in Tableau 35 Set36 Discrete vs Continuous37 Filtering 38 Keep only and ExcludeSection 2 : Filters1 Filters 2 Type of Filters 3 Data Source Filters 4 Quick Filters 5 Dimension and Dependent Filters 6 Measure Filters 7 Context Filters Part1 8 Context Filters Part2 9 Context Filter Proper Details Part3 10 Date FilterSession 3 : Charts1 Introduction to charts 2 Create a Chart 3 Swap the Dimension & Measures 4 Bubble Chart5 Pie Chart 6 Tree Map 7 Stacked Tree Map 8 Word Map Chart1 Bar Stacked chart part 1 2 Bar Stacked chart part 2 3 Reference line scope Entire table 4 Reference line scope per cell 5 Reference line scope per pan 6 Tree Map Stacked in Bar Chart 7 Bar Chart with Date as Month Year Filter. 8 Bubble Chart color label 9 Bubble Chart color label as second dimension 10 Bubble Chart with motion 11 Line Chart 12 Line chart dual axis 13 Line Chart size Measure 14 Line chart dual Measure Date as Month Year Filter 15 Funnel Chart 1 16 Funnel Chart 2 Intro17 Funnel Chart 2 Created 18 Scattered chart 19 Water Fall Chart 20 Parameter part 1 21 Parameter part 2 22 Parameter with Dynamic Reference line 23 Scatter plot and Many more Part124 Scatter plot and Many more Part2 25 Scatter plot and Many more Part3 Section 4 : Joins & Unions1 Joins2 Inner Join3 Left Join4 Right Join5 Full Join6 Inner Join In Tableau7 Left Join In Tableau 8 Right Join In Tableau 9 Full Join In Tableau10 Union11Union In TableauSection 5 : Function Base1 Function Intro2 Sum ()3 Min () & Max ()4 Average ()5 Floor ()6 Ceiling ()7 Count ()8 Upper ()9 Lower ()10 Right () & Left ()Section 6 : Functions & Calculations 1 Function Intro2 RANK() 3 RANK_DENSE()4 Quick Table Calculations 5 Running Total 6 Difference 7 Percent Difference 8 Percent of Total 9 Rank 10 Moving Average Part 1 11 Moving Average Part 1 continuous 12 Date Functions () 13 Now() Today() 14 DateName and DatePart () 15 Date Diff () 16 Dateadd () 17 Datetrunc() 18 MakeDate() 19 Now() Today() 20 COUNT() vs CountD()21 Mid() 22 Len() 23 Find () 24 Mid() part 2 25 Trim() 26 Replace()Section 7 : Functions & Calculations Part 21 round zero or round function 2 round 1 2 3 4 3 absolute() 4 Concatenate() 5 Replace() 6 Table Across 7 Table Down 8 Table Across Then Down Section 8 : Functions & Calculations Part 21 IF () 2 IF () in Tableau 3 IF () OR 4 IF () OR in Tableau 5 IF () AND 6 Nested IF () 7 Case () 8 Null() using if 9 Null() using if including OR AND 10 AND OR Part1 11 AND OR Part2Section 09 : Table computation Table computation
    Section 1: Booster
    Lecture 1 Introduction
    Lecture 2 Download
    Lecture 3 Install
    Lecture 4 Tableau Extension
    Lecture 5 Connect with Database
    Lecture 6 Tableau Live & Extract
    Lecture 7 View Tables
    Lecture 8 Data Types
    Lecture 9 Tableau Work Sheet Interface
    Lecture 10 Data Types Symbol
    Lecture 11 Adding new Sheet
    Lecture 12 Product Category & Sales
    Lecture 13 Dimensions & Measures
    Lecture 14 Visualize data in workspace
    Lecture 15 Make Hierarchy
    Lecture 16 Grouping
    Lecture 17 Auto Generated Fields 5
    Lecture 18 Auto Generated Fields in Tableau
    Lecture 19 Records Per Dimension data or Item
    Lecture 20 Granularity
    Lecture 21 Granularity and Drill Down
    Lecture 22 Table into chart form
    Lecture 23 Color label
    Lecture 24 Color label for two different dimension
    Lecture 25 Map
    Lecture 26 Normal
    Lecture 27 Dynamic Filter
    Lecture 28 Date Filter 1
    Lecture 29 Date Filter 2 (Part1)
    Lecture 30 Date Filter 2 (Part2)
    Lecture 31 Date Filter 2 (Part 3)
    Lecture 32 Date Filter 3
    Lecture 33 Relevant Filter Explained
    Lecture 34 Relevant Filter in Tableau
    Lecture 35 Set
    Lecture 36 Discrete vs Continuous
    Lecture 37 Filtering
    Lecture 38 Keep only and Exclude
    Lecture 39 Join Intro
    Section 2: Filters
    Lecture 40 Filters
    Lecture 41 Type of Filters
    Lecture 42 Data Source Filters
    Lecture 43 Quick Filters
    Lecture 44 Dimension and Dependent Filters
    Lecture 45 Meausure Filters
    Lecture 46 Context Filters Part1
    Lecture 47 Context Filters Part2
    Lecture 48 Context Filter Proper Details Part3
    Lecture 49 Date Filter_
    Section 3: Charts
    Lecture 50 Introduction to charts
    Lecture 51 Create a Chart
    Lecture 52 Swap the Dimension & Measures
    Lecture 53 Bubble Chart
    Lecture 54 Pie Chart
    Lecture 55 Tree Map
    Lecture 56 Stacked Tree Map
    Lecture 57 Word Map Chart
    Lecture 58 Geographical Map
    Lecture 59 Geographical Bubble Map Measure
    Lecture 60 Geographical Bubble Map with size and color Measure
    Lecture 61 Geographical Bubble Map (Unknown error)
    Lecture 62 Geographical Map with color Dimension
    Lecture 63 Geographical Map with Date as Year Filter
    Lecture 64 Month Year Filter
    Lecture 65 Month Year Filter Apply
    Lecture 66 Bar chart
    Lecture 67 Bar chart color Measure
    Lecture 68 Bar chart size Measure
    Lecture 69 Bar chart size and color Measure
    Lecture 70 Bar chart with dual axis
    Lecture 71 Bar Stacked chart part 2
    Lecture 72 Bar Stacked chart part 1
    Lecture 73 Reference line scope Entire table
    Lecture 74 Reference line scope per cell
    Lecture 75 Reference line scope per pan
    Lecture 76 Tree Map Stacked in Bar Chart
    Lecture 77 Bar Chart with Date as Month Year Filter.
    Lecture 78 Bubble Chart color label
    Lecture 79 Bubble Chart color label as second dimension
    Lecture 80 Bubble Chart with motion
    Lecture 81 Line Chart
    Lecture 82 Line chart dual axis
    Lecture 83 Line Chart size Measure
    Lecture 84 Line chart dual Measure Date as Month Year Filter
    Lecture 85 Funnel Chart 1
    Lecture 86 Funnel Chart 2 Intro
    Lecture 87 Funnel Chart 2 Created
    Lecture 88 Scattered chart
    Lecture 89 Water Fall Chart
    Lecture 90 Parameter part 1
    Lecture 91 Parameter part 2
    Lecture 92 Parameter with Dynamic Reference line
    Lecture 93 Scatter plot and Many more Part1
    Lecture 94 Scatter plot and Many more Part2
    Lecture 95 Scatter plot and Many more Part3
    Section 4: Joins & Unions
    Lecture 96 Data Source Files & Join Intro
    Lecture 97 Inner Join
    Lecture 98 Left Join
    Lecture 99 Right Join
    Lecture 100 Full Join
    Lecture 101 Inner Join in Tableau
    Lecture 102 Left Join in Tableau
    Lecture 103 Right Join In Tableau
    Lecture 104 Full Join In Tableau
    Lecture 105 Union
    Lecture 106 Union In Tableau
    Section 5: Function
    Lecture 107 Function Intro
    Lecture 108 SUM()
    Lecture 109 MIN() & MAX()
    Lecture 110 AVERAGE()
    Lecture 111 FLOOR()
    Lecture 112 CEILING()
    Lecture 113 COUNT()
    Lecture 114 UPPER()
    Lecture 115 LOWER()
    Lecture 116 RIGHT() & Left ()
    Section 6: Functions & Calculations
    Lecture 117 Function
    Lecture 118 RANK()
    Lecture 119 Rank Dense ()
    Lecture 120 Quick Table Calculations
    Lecture 121 Running Total
    Lecture 122 Difference
    Lecture 123 Percent Difference
    Lecture 124 Percent of Total
    Lecture 125 Rank Part2
    Lecture 126 Moving Average Part 1.1
    Lecture 127 Moving Average Part 1.2
    Lecture 128 Moving Average Part 1.3_
    Lecture 129 COUNT() vs CountD()
    Lecture 130 Mid()
    Lecture 131 Len()
    Lecture 132 Find ()
    Lecture 133 Mid() part 2
    Lecture 134 Trim()
    Lecture 135 Replace()
    Lecture 136 Date Functions ()
    Lecture 137 Now() Today()
    Lecture 138 DateName and DatePart ()
    Lecture 139 Date Diff ()
    Lecture 140 Dateadd ()
    Lecture 141 Datetrunc()
    Lecture 142 MakeDate()
    Section 7: Function & Calculations Part 2
    Lecture 143 round zero or round function
    Lecture 144 round 1 2 3 4
    Lecture 145 absolute()
    Lecture 146 Concatenate()
    Lecture 147 Replace()
    Lecture 148 Table Across
    Lecture 149 Table Down
    Lecture 150 Table Across Then Down
    Section 8: IF & Case Functions
    Lecture 151 IF ()
    Lecture 152 IF () in Tableau
    Lecture 153 IF () OR
    Lecture 154 IF () OR in Tableau
    Lecture 155 IF () AND
    Lecture 156 Nested IF ()
    Lecture 157 Case ()
    Lecture 158 Null() using if
    Lecture 159 Null() using if OR AND
    Lecture 160 AND OR Part1
    Lecture 161 AND OR Part2
    Section 9: Table Computation
    Lecture 162 Table Down
    Lecture 163 Table Across
    Lecture 164 Table Across then Down
    Tableau course for Beginners to Intermediate



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    Angular with Test Driven Development

    Angular with Test Driven Development
    Published 07/2022
    Genre: eLearning | MP4 | Video: h264, 1280x720 | Audio: AAC, 44.1 KHz
    Language: English | Size: 7.5 GB | Duration: 90 lectures • 14h 1m

    What you'll learn
    Build an application with Angular
    Practice Test Driven Development in a complete project from beginning to the end
    How to mock external dependencies in testing
    Feel how the test driven development is giving confidence when refactoring your application
    Not only learn karma & jasmine but also learn jest and testing-library

    Experience with javascript and typescript is required

    Angular is one of the most popular library for the client application development.
    In this course we will be learning angular by creating a web application with it. Also we will apply test driven development (TDD) methodology from beginning to the end.
    We will have two separate test setups. One of them is coming with the default angular project. Testing with karma and jasmine. And the other one is, we will create custom setup with the most popular test libraries of javascript. jest and testing-library
    while building this application, we will learn main building blocks of angular. We will practice
    how client-side routing is working
    how to use template driven and reactive form
    how to use validations and how to create our own synchronous and asynchronous validators
    how observable is working
    and we will see
    how test driven development works.
    how it's affecting our code quality, reusability
    how it's giving us the confidence about refactoring our implementation
    how to avoid implementation details while creating tests
    This course is purely built on practice. Each code piece we write, will be for our actual application implementation.
    In each section we will gradually build our application. We will not jump ahead and add functionality not needed for that moment. We will implement one requirement at a time. Each implementation will bring the next requirement to us.
    And following this practice, will help you to get a solid foundation about overall web application requirements and how to implement one of them with angular by following test driven development methodology.
    After completing the course, you will be able to use Angular in your next project and you will experience the benefits of test driven development.
    Who this course is for
    Developers who want to learn Angular
    Developers who want to see Test Driven Development in action



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    Python Programming for Beginners by Abd El Fattah Khatib

    Python Programming for Beginners by Abd El Fattah Khatib
    Published 07/2022
    MP4 | Video: h264, 1280x720 | Audio: AAC, 44.1 KHz, 2 Ch
    Genre: eLearning | Language: English| Duration: 50 lectures (11h 5m) | Size: 5.13 GB

    Learn how to Code in Python with no previous experience. Master Lists, Strings, For, While, Recursion and More

    What you'll learn
    Download and Install the Python IDLE the environment used to code in python. It's free.
    Learn how to code using Python
    Learn how to write functions in Python.
    Learn how recursion works in Python and how to write recursive functions
    Learn about Lists and Strings and the functions related to them.
    Learn about List Comprehension and the For loop
    Learn about Sorting algorithms, Select Sort ,Bubble Sort and Merge Sort
    Learn about Binary Search and Histograms
    Learn about While loop and If - Else conditional Statements.

    No Programming experience is needed. You will learn everything you need to know.

    The course is mainly based on 300 slides of material teaching Python. You can download the 300 slides and learn on your own without the need to watch any of the lectures, everything is in the slides which also include a lot of code examples and exercises.
    By the end of the course you will be able to write Python programs

    The course consists of 300 slides offered both in pdf and powerpoint (ppt) format which you can download to your computer or smartphone and study from anywhere (home , work ), there are no videos that you need to watch so you can study at your own convivence.

    It's highly recommended you put what you learn into practice. So it's highly advised you write the code you see in the slide using the coding environment (called the Python IDLE) as mentioned in the course.

    The software needed for the course is free (it's called the Python IDLE)

    No previous software experience is required and only basic/intermediate level of English is needed to get through the course.

    Downloading , installing and using the Python IDLE

    Introduction 1



    Conditional statements

    if , else , if else

    Variable types

    int , float , char, boolean ,string , list


    Input & Output

    Lists , lists comprehension , for loops , in operator, list of lists(matrix), functions for lists.



    Sorting algorithms, Select Sort, Bubble Sort & Merge Sort

    Binary search, Histograms


    Who this course is for
    Beginners who want to learn Python and don't know anything or are still beginners.



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    CBTNuggets - Certified Kubernetes Application Developer - CKAD

    CBTNuggets - Certified Kubernetes Application Developer - CKAD
    Released 08/07/2022
    MP4 | Video: h264, 1920x1080 | Audio: AAC, 44.1 KHz, 2 Ch
    Genre: eLearning | Language: English | Duration: 227 Lessons (45h 27m) | Size: 73.6 GB

    This entry-level Linux Foundation CKAD training covers the objectives in the CKAD exam, which is the one required exam to earn the Certified Kubernetes Application Developer (CKAD) certification

    Do you know a programming language, like Python, Node.js, Go, or Java? Are you a cloud or systems engineer familiar with cloud native application concepts and architectures? Then we encourage you to take a look at our CKAD training course. The Certified Kubernetes Application Developer exam certifies that users can design, build, configure, and expose cloud native applications for Kubernetes. A Certified Kubernetes Application Developer can define application resources and use core primitives to build, monitor, and troubleshoot scalable applications and tools in the container mastery program, Kubernetes.

    For supervisors, this CKAD training can be used for CKAD exam prep, on-boarding new systems administrators, or as part of a team training plan.

    CKAD: What You Need to Know
    This Certified Kubernetes Application Developer (CKAD) training maps to the CKAD exam Kubernetes exam objectives, and covers topics such as

    Building a practice cluster, creating pods and dealing with clusters
    Configuring resource requirements, ConfigMaps and security
    Working with Kubernetes multi-container pods
    Managing observability with metrics servers, applications monitoring and container logging
    Designing pods
    Managing services and network policies
    Using persistent volumes

    Who Should Take CKAD Training?
    This CKAD training is considered professional-level Linux Foundation training, which means it was designed for systems administrators. This Kubernetes skills course is valuable for new IT professionals with at least a year of experience with orchestration infrastructure and experienced systems administrators looking to validate their Linux Foundation skills.

    New or aspiring systems administrators. This Certified Kubernetes Application Developer is intended for developers and administrators looking to start their careers as Kubernetes specialists. A basic understanding of Kubernetes' features and tools that help you manage complex applications can make you a better developer, a more efficient administrator and a valuable asset to many companies in many different industries.

    Experienced systems administrators. Many administrators and developers who have been working in the field for several years are already familiar with basics of containerization and Kubernetes clusters. But if you want to make sure you haven't overlooked detailed particulars of state persistence, running CronJobs or forwarding port traffic with an ambassador container, this CKAD training can prepare you with everything you need to know as a Kubernetes application developer.



  10. #6860
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    C/C++ F?r Ingenieure (Teil 2 - C++)

    C/C++ F?r Ingenieure (Teil 2 - C++)
    MP4 | Video: h264, 1280x720 | Audio: AAC, 44.1 KHz
    Language: Deutsch | Size: 5.56 GB | Duration: 10h 39m

    C++ f?r Ingenieure

    What you'll learn
    C++, Classes, Templates, STL und Exceptions

    Computer und den Willen etwas Neues zu lernen
    Leute mit C Erfahrung kommen schneller in den Kurs, ist aber kein Muss.

    C und C++ sind Programmiersprachen, die maschinennah ausgelegt sind. Insbesondere C eignet sich wunderbar f?r IIoT-L?sungen, die bspw. mit einen Arduino oder Rasperry Pi Board betrieben werden k?nnen (insbesondere wenn es um Echtzeitl?sungen geht).Die meisten Betriebssysteme, Compiler, oder Java-Laufzeitumgebungen sind in C/C++ geschrieben. Wer C und C++ beherrscht, ist in der Lage sich schnell in weitere Programmiersprachen einzuarbeiten.Dieser Kurs richtet sich an Ingenieure und Techniker mit einem naturwissenschaftlichen Background (Maschinenbau, Elektrotechnik, Bauingenieurwesen). Der praktische Bezug steht im Vordergrund hands-on Software zu schreiben, die f?r jeden Einsatz optimal geeignet ist.Dieser Teil besch?ftigt sich insbesondere mit der Programmiersprache C++.Neben diesem Kurs werden noch weitere Kurse angeboten, die an diesem ankn?pfen. Da geht es auch um die Programmiersprache C und sp?tere Standards wie C++11, C++17 und C++20. Ein kleines Video in diesem Kurs geht auf die weiteren Kurse ein, welche evtl. noch in der Entwicklung sind. Bleibe einfach am Geschehen dran, auch Udemy bekommt noch diese Kurse.Was hier gelernt wird, kann auf Windows, MacOS und Linux ge?bt werden. Ihr braucht auch kein extra Geld f?r Entwicklungsumgebungen (IDE) auszugeben. Ich zeige Dir, wie Du kostenlos eine der besten hochwertigen IDEs auf Deinem Rechner einrichtest.Jedenfalls steht fest: Wenn Du diesen Kurs absolviert hast, wirst Du selbstst?ndig in der Lage sein, leistungsf?hige Software f?r jeden erdenklichen Gebrauch schreiben zu k?nnen und dabei auch gleichzeitig wissen, wie ein Computer tickt.
    Who this course is for
    C/C++-Entwickler mit sehr wenigen bis gar keinen Kenntnissen



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