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Thread: Video Tutorials Collection

  1. #5371
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    PMP Dash - The Fastest Way To Ace PMP Exams

    PMP Dash - The Fastest Way To Ace PMP Exams
    Published 06/2022
    MP4 | Video: h264, 1280x720 | Audio: AAC, 44.1 KHz, 2 Ch
    Genre: eLearning | Language: English | Duration: 36 lectures (20h 37m) | Size: 9.2 GB

    Just the right course to get you PMP Exams ready in the shortest possible time

    What you'll learn
    Clearly understand all the important concepts, models, definitions and formulas that are popular in PMP Exams.
    Tailor the correct methodology for the specific project context.
    Understand all the important processes along with their respective important Tools & Techniques that are popular in PMP Exams.
    Understand how to approach and answer different kinds of questions that show up on PMP Exams.
    Gain confidence about preparing and clearing PMP Exams in a short period of time.
    Meet all the eligibility requirements for PMP application. Preferably, approval from PMI on PMP application.
    Mentally ready to prepare of acing PMP Exams.
    Completed your 35 Contact hours certificate training from someplace.
    PMP Dash has been created with the aim of providing just the right amount of material, notes, tips and tricks and insights to help the candidate become exams ready in the shortest possible time.
    This PMP Dash has been arranged and narrated such that it matches the actual flow of a Project and has been created in such a manner that even those who are not from IT background can answer Agile related questions that show up a lot in PMP exams.
    PLEASE NOTE IT IS NOT A FULL PMP 35 CONTACT HOURS TRAINING. This course assumes that you have already undergone that training and are preparing for attempting the PMP Exams.
    With all important Models, Tools & Techniques, Formulas, Concepts and Definitions that are popular in PMP Exams, the content of PMP Dash is so extensive that anything that would show up on PMP Exams has been covered here. EVERYTHING. Includes material from all the other references and standards earmarked by PMI for PMP Viz.,
    - PMBOK Guide 6th edition
    - PMBOK Guide 7th edition
    - PMI Authorized PMP Prep
    - PMI Standard for Agile
    - Examination Content Outline for PMP
    - Organizational Change Standard
    Once you go through PMP Dash you will have all the notes, information, ability and as well as the attitude to ace PMP exams, let alone clearing it.
    And as if all this was not enough, PMP Dash has one full guided format of 180 Questions very similar to the PMP Exams.
    To understand exactly how comprehensive this course is, let's have a look at
    o The entire PMP Dash course is done through a revolutionary new sequence
    o All possible notes covered in a sequence that makes sense and relatable
    o All references covered in creation of these notes
    o Models and Tools & Techniques as well as their logic also covered
    o Pitfalls to avoid covered
    o All methodologies (Including Agile) explained in a manner that you will not forget
    o Focus on only the processes that show up on PMP
    o Notes through visual clues to help retain information
    o 180 Questions (Nearest to PMP Exams) guided through by the narrator.
    o Each question explained in a manner that you will develop immense confidence and certainty for clearing PMP Exams.
    o Made by someone who has over 26,800 certified professionals to his personal credit.
    o Comprehensive coverage of People and Interpersonal skills needed for PMP as contained in ECO and more.
    WHY US?
    o Explanation such that it would be hard for you to forget
    o Focus on "Understanding" and not "Mugging Up".
    o Complete and comprehensive coverage.
    o Most comprehensive material in the industry targeted for PMP 2021
    o Entire course replete with tips and tricks.
    o PMP Experts since 2006
    o Over 48,500 Certified through PM-Pulse
    Subscribe to this package for mastering all PMP Concepts and Acing PMP Exams.
    Who this course is for
    PMP Candidate who has already undertaken 35 contact hours training and is now looking for the best source for preparing for PMP Exams in the shortest time possible.
    Professionals who wish to prepare for and ace PMP exams in the shortest possible time.
    Professionals preparing for the PMP Exams but have limited time to study.
    Professionals who are not confident after the PMP Training.
    Professionals who are unsure about the best material to prepare for PMP exams.
    Professionals who want to ACE PMP Exams in their very first try.


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  2. #5372
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    Arduino f?r Macher - nur f?r Macher!

    Arduino f?r Macher - nur f?r Macher!
    Video: .mp4 (1280x720, 30 fps(r)) | Audio: aac, 48000 Hz, 2ch | Size: 9.09 GB
    Genre: eLearning Video | Duration: 41 lectures (9 hour, 39 mins) | Language: Deutsch

    Bring deine Arduino-Skills auf das n?chste Level durch den Bau eines ferngesteuerten selbststabilisierenden Roboters

    What you'll learn
    Das kommt darauf an wie gut du mitarbeitest. Wenn du Bock auf den Kurs hast und dich auch selbst in die Themen einarbeitest wirst du die folgendes wirklich verstanden haben und anwenden k?nnen!
    Nach der 1. Sektion wirst du wissen was eine IMU ist, wie man sie mittels I2C ansteuert, wie I2C funktioniert, was das Gyroskop/ der Beschleunigungssensor ist und worin deren Vor-/Nachteile liegen, was ein Complementary Filter ist und warum wir ihn brauchen.
    Nach der 2. Sektion wirst du einen eigenen Remote-Controller gebaut haben, welcher mit Hilfe von Neigung oder per Joystick ein selbstgebautes Auto steuert. Dabei lernst du was das NRF-Modul ist, wie man es mittels SPI verwendet, wie man damit Daten transferieren kann, wie du einen Joystick einlesen kannst und vieles mehr.
    Nach der 3. Sektion wirst du wissen was ein Schrittmotor ist, wie du ihn mit Hilfe eines Motortreibers ansteuern kannst, wie du Registerprogrammierung nutzen kannst um digitale Ein-/Ausg?nge anzusteuern, wie man Pull Up-/Pull Down-Widerst?nde verwendet & wie du eine Spannungsteiler-Schaltung dimensionierst um deine Batteriespannung zu ?berwachen.
    Nach der 4. Sektion wirst du den selbststabilisierenden Roboter gebaut haben, welcher durch die ebenfalls selbstgebaute Fernbedienung steuerbar ist. Dabei lernst du was 8/16-Bit Timer sind, wie man sie konfiguriert und nutzen kann, warum wir diese benutzen, was ein P-/PID-Regler ist und man dessen Werte passend einstellt.
    Es liegt an dir wie viel du aus dem Kurs mitnimmst! Je mehr du dich in die Themen reinfuchst die wir ansprechen, desto besser wird dein Verst?ndnis nach dem Kurs sein. :D
    Du musst Spa? an der Verwendung von Microcontrollern haben, ansonsten hat der Kurs keinen Wert f?r dich.
    Du wirst dich zu 100% selbst in relativ komplexe Themen einarbeiten m?ssen. Du wirst selbst t?tig werden und dich an der ein oder anderen Stelle auch mal durchbei?en m?ssen. Dabei stehe ich dir nat?rlich mit Rat und Tat zur Seite! Suchst du aber nach einem Kurs, wo der Dozent dich mit "Wissen berieselt" das du noch am selben Tag wieder vergisst dann bist du hier falsch! :)
    Du solltest aber bereits erste Erfahrungen mit dem Arduino gemacht haben. Wenn du weist wie du bspw. einen Taster einlesen kannst und was analoge und digitale Werte sind denke ich du bist f?hig den Kurs zu meistern. Die Frage ist nur, ob du die Zeit investieren m?chtest neue Dinge zu lernen oder nicht.

    Naaaa du, bist du ein Macher?
    Komische Frage, oder? Also nach dem Kurs bist du auf jeden Fall einer :)
    Ich bin mal so frei und sage kurz einen Satz zu meiner Wenigkeit :D
    Mein Name ist Olli und ich studiere Mechatronik und Informationstechnologie im nun schon 6. Semester am KIT in Karlsruhe.
    Mir pers?nlich macht es extrem viel Spa? eigene Projekte mit dem Arduino umzusetzen. Wenn es dir genauso geht dann hast du meinen Segen dir den Kurs zu kaufen! Uuuund wenn du keinen Spa? daran hast mit Arduino herumzuspielen . naja, warum suchst du dann ?berhaupt nach einem Arduino Kurs? ;D
    So das Wichtigste ist also gekl?rt: Du m?chtest dir den Kurs kaufen um deine Skills auf das n?chste Level zu bringen und wirst dabei auch noch Spa? haben.
    Au?erdem bringst du bereits ein wenig Erfahrung im Umgang mit dem Arduino mit. Du kennst die Basics und wei?t bspw. wie man Pins High/Low schaltet, wie man digitale/analoge Werte einliest, was der Unterschied zwischen digitalen und analogen Werten ist und hast ein grobes Gef?hl f?r Spannung, Strom & Widerst?nde.
    Du bist immernoch da :D? Sehr sch?n, dann lass mich dir sagen warum der Kurs genau der Richtige f?r dich ist
    Und jaaaa ich wei?! Das sagen alle :D Im Endeffekt steht das ja unter jedem Kurs "Wenn du lesen/stehen/essen kannst, dann bist du hier genau richtig". Ach ne ist klar ^^. Ich w?rde vorschlagen, dass ich dir einfach kurz zeige was der Kurs bietet und du entscheidest dann, ob es dich anspricht oder nicht! :D Klingt nach einem Deal, oder nicht?
    Was machen wir?
    Der Kurs ist darauf ausgelegt dich bei deinem momentanen Stand abzuholen und an die Hand zu nehmen.
    Ich neeehm dich an der Hand, zeig dir das Arduino-Land. Oder so ?hnlich zumindest :D.
    Auf unserer Reise werden wir so viele Sachen lernen, dass ich hier nur ein paar aufz?hle. Wir schauen uns also die Inertial-Measurement-Unit an, bauen damit dann einen eigenen Remote-Controller mit welchem man durch die Neigung der Hand ein Auto steuern kann. Wir kommen darauf zu sprechen was Bibliotheken sind, wie I2C funktioniert, wie wir I2C nutzen k?nnen, wie man die Spannung seines Akkus ?berwacht, was ein PID-Controller ist, wie man Winkel aus Beschleunigungssensordaten berechnet, und und und.
    Du siehst also, der Kurs deckt ein sehr breites Spektrum ab. Mit den ca. 10 Stunden Video-Material versuche ich dir einen roten Faden durch die Materie zu geben. Klar ist aber auch, dass du dich in einige Themen auch selbst einarbeiten/vertiefen musst wenn du etwas nicht verstehst/tiefer verstehen m?chtest. Alleine bist du dabei allerdings nie. Bei Fragen stehen ich, und alle anderen Kurs Teilnehmer dir gerne mit Rat & Tat zur Seite.
    Wie, alle anderen Kurs Teilnehmer?
    Ich dachte mir es w?re cool eine Community um den Kurs herum aufzubauen. Ich habe deshalb eine Slack-Forum erstellt dem du beitreten kannst wenn du m?chtest. Dort kann man sich mit anderen Teilnehmern austauschen, diskutieren und lernen. Ich habe das auch noch nie gemacht und hoffe das wird eine coole Sache! Ich freue mich auf jeden Fall riesig auf dich!
    Struktur des Kurses!
    Nach jedem Video sage ich dir was als n?chstes zu tun ist. F?r das L?sen der Aufgabe musst du dich selbst in die neue Thematik einarbeiten. Du musst bspw. einen Sensor mit I2C & Wire-Library auslesen, oder die Implementierung zur Ansteuerung von Schrittmotoren schreiben! Oder eher du darfst, da es dir ja Spa? macht .D.
    Im darauffolgenden Video behandeln wir dann immer genau diese Aufgabe die ich dir gestellt hatte. Hast du die Aufgabe alleine hinbekommen dann kannst du hier nochmals schauen wie ich sie gel?st habe und ggf. neue Ideen sammeln. Hast du sie nicht hinbekommen, dann siehst du wie man sie l?sen kann und erkennst was du falsch gemacht hast.
    Durch diese Kursstruktur hoffe ich, das du nicht nur etwas lernst in dem Kurs sondern es dir auch langfristig merken kannst!
    Was du f?r diesen Kurs sonst noch brauchst?
    Im zweiten Video gehe ich genau darauf ein. Es sind einige Sachen, aber es lohnt sich auf jeden Fall! Schau am Besten vor dem Kauf des Kurses aber mal kurz rein.
    Noch nicht so ganz sicher? Macht nichts! Durch die 30 Tage-Geld-Zur?ck Garantie von Udemy kannst du nichts verlieren! Schau dir den Kurs an und falls Ich Dir nicht zusagen dann holst du dir dein Geld wieder zur?ck - so einfach ist das :D
    Ich freue mich extrem darauf dich im Slack-Forum willkommen zu hei?en, wo du mit uns deinen Fortschritt teilen kannst!
    Who this course is for
    Dir haben deine ersten Erfahrungen mit dem Arduino Spa? gemacht und du m?chtest dein Wissen und K?nnen jetzt erweitern
    Du m?chtest lernen wie man eine neigungsbasierte Fernsteuerung, ein ferngesteuertes Auto und einen ferngesteuerten, selbststabilisierenden-Roboter baut
    Es ist dir wirklich wichtig etwas zu lernen!

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  3. #5373
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    Mma Training, Transform Your Body Extremely (No Equipment)

    Mma Training, Transform Your Body Extremely (No Equipment)
    Last updated 8/2021
    MP4 | Video: h264, 1280x720 | Audio: AAC, 44.1 KHz
    Language: English | Size: 8.28 GB | Duration: 6h 48m

    6 different training programs including KICKBOXING, MMA, BOXING, MUAY THAI techniques with bodyweight utilized exercises

    What you'll learn
    How to do martial arts techniques
    Inspired Mma, Kickboxing, Muay Thai, Boxing, Traditional Martial Arts Kicks
    Punching, knees strikes, elbow strikes, fighting stances, many kinds of kicks, even superman punch!
    Many techniques of traditional martial arts
    How to warming up /cool down
    6 different workouts (fat burner)
    Everybody can do

    ONLINE Martial Arts TRAINING SYSTEM. While getting fitter and leaner you will be also learning how to defend yourself. The system is enriched with body-weight exercises in addition to mixed martial arts techniques. It is a complete set of over 6 hours of training, consisting of 6 different training programs including KICKBOXING, MMA, BOXING, MUAY THAI techniques with bodyweight utilized exercises. It also has "HOW TO" videos, where all techniques are demonstrated in detail. The program has variations for beginner level as well as experienced people. become a student to lose fat and get fit now!CARDIO MARTIAL ARTS FQAWhy I developed CARDIO MARTIAL ARTS?CARDIO MARTIAL ARTS is a Non-Contact fitness-Martial arts program which came into fruition out of my 30 years of martial arts and fitness experience. This program does not need any equipment or attending gym.Why you should choose this program?Training times are approximately 40 minutes, excluding warming and cooling.You do not need equipment or training partners.You don't have to go to the gym, you can follow the program at the comfort of your home or outdoors.With CARDIO MARTIAL ARTS you will not just get fit, you will also learn how to defend yourself.This is one of the main differences compared to ordinary fitness programs. It is designed multiple benefits in mind.You will have the fit look of a fighter, In addition, it is one of the best ways to get rid of your daily stress.So who is it suitable for? Do you need experience?KickboxingFIT is suitable for all ages, anyone with no health problems. The degree of difficulty of movements increases gradually and allows you to progress in a planned way. It does not require previous experience. It is suitable for any experience level, for any fitness level.Do you need Equipment?You only need your body!What is the age range?Anyone with no health problems from 7 to 70 can follow this program.How many days a week you should be exercising CARDIO MARTIAL ARTS?Everyone's fitness level is different, 3-6 weekly training would be suitable depending on your fitness level. Monthly lesson plans are available in the members-only section of our website.How many trainings are in the CARDIO MARTIAL ARTS?In addition to 6 different training sessions, there are also Total Body Stretching and how-to videos.What should be the training cycle?Initially, we should take our body measurements and have a 30-day cycle.You have never done martial arts before, how can you learn the movements?I explained all techniques, moves in full detail in the "How to videos.Can you take breaks and extend the rest period if I find it difficult?Everyone's fitness level is different, you could pause the video, and then resume when you feel ready. You need to learn to listen to your body! Your body will tell you when to stop and when to start again.What should you do if you can't keep up with the movements?The tempo of the movements is taken at medium speed, you can do it at a lower speed or at a higher speed, so you can adjust the intensity of the training to your own level. Focus on making the movements intact. You will definitely see progress over time.What should you do if you have difficulty in any exercise?You will see the easy version of the challenging movements. You could choose the one that suits you.What time of day would be the best time to train??This may depend on your personal habits, social and working life. You can do it at the time that is most convenient for yourself.
    Section 1: LET'S START FROM HERE
    Lecture 1 TRAILER
    Lecture 2 READ THIS FIRST
    Lecture 4 1-TOTAL BODY COMBAT
    Lecture 7 4-TOTAL BODY STAMINA
    Lecture 11 WARMING UP (Alternative)
    Lecture 12 COOL DOWN (Alternative)
    Lecture 15 FOOT WORK
    Lecture 16 HORSE STANCE
    Lecture 18 HOOK PUNCH
    Lecture 19 UPPERCUT
    Lecture 20 LIVER PUNCH
    Lecture 21 ELBOW STRIKE
    Lecture 22 BACK ELBOW
    Lecture 23 SPINING BACK FIST
    Lecture 24 SUPERMAN PUNCH
    Lecture 25 PUSH KISK, FRONT KICK
    Lecture 26 JUMPING PUSH KICK
    Lecture 27 LOW KICK
    Lecture 28 ROUND KICK
    Lecture 29 SIDE KICK
    Lecture 30 BACK KICK
    Lecture 31 KNEE STRIKE
    Section 4: Bonus part
    Lecture 33 SHADOW BOXING COMBO 1
    Lecture 34 SHADOW BOXING COMBO 2
    Lecture 35 SHADOW BOXING COMBO 3
    Lecture 36 SHADOW BOXING COMBO 4
    who want to burn fat and make an extremely fit and lean body with martial arts,who can't go to the gym or want to workout at home saving time.


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  4. #5374
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    Gaia - Open Minds - Season 13

    Gaia - Open Minds - Season 13
    MP4 | Video: h264, 1920x1080 | Audio: AAC, 44.1 KHz, 2 Ch
    Genre: eLearning | Language: English + Subs | Duration: 14 Lessons (13h 51m) | Size: 22 GB

    Host Regina Meredith conducts interviews with thought-provoking luminaries, cutting-edge visionaries and tireless researchers, providing crucial information to awaken viewers to new perspectives that spark awareness, understanding and ultimately, transformation


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  5. #5375
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    CBTNuggets - How to Install and Deploy Server Hardware Components

    CBTNuggets - How to Install and Deploy Server Hardware Components
    Published 06/2022
    MP4 | Video: h264, 1920x1080 | Audio: AAC, 44.1 KHz, 2 Ch
    Genre: eLearning | Language: English | Duration: 40 Lessons (4h 28m) | Size:

    This entry-level Installing and Managing Server Hardware Components training prepares learners to manage the installation and management of all the hardware components that go into getting servers running and stable

    The world's best networks are processing terabytes of information, storing away vital customer and business information, and making huge profits and advancements possible. But how much of that do you think can happen if the servers never get installed onto racks and actually plugged in?
    This server hardware installation and management course is all about the hands-on basics. What are the actual, tangible steps necessary to getting server hardware installed and running? Take the course and prepare yourself for a real-world mastery of the physical spaces that make data centers possible.
    After finishing this Installing and Managing Server Hardware Components training, you'll know how to manage the installation and management of all the hardware components that go into getting servers running and stable.
    For anyone who manages their CompTIA training, this CompTIA training can be used to onboard new network administrators, curated into individual or team training plans, or as a CompTIA reference resource.
    Installing and Managing Server Hardware Components: What You Need to Know
    This Installing and Managing Server Hardware Components training has videos that cover hardware troubleshooting topics including
    Handling, installing and deploying motherboards in your servers
    Choosing the best processor and storage for your network
    Ensuring network connections are appropriate to your needs
    Balancing power supply, cabling and physical limitations
    Who Should Take Installing and Managing Server Hardware Components Training?
    This Installing and Managing Server Hardware Components training is considered administrator-level CompTIA training, which means it was designed for network administrators. This networking skills course is valuable for new IT professionals with at least a year of experience with hardware troubleshooting and experienced network administrators looking to validate their CompTIA skills.
    New or aspiring network administrators. Any time you're new to a job or a career, it's a good idea to ground yourself in the absolute basics. When it comes to network administration, you could easily get lost in all the details of protocols, configuration and advanced functionality. But the basics will never go away: how to handle and deal with the physical components that make servers run. Learn them with this course and set your career up for success.
    Experienced network administrators. Even experienced network administrators can learn a lot from this course in doing the real-world, hands-on work of installing and managing server hardware components. If you've spent your entire network administration career in the digital realm, re-establish yourself in plain-old reality with this training.


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  6. #5376
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    Linux Desktop ( Ubuntu - Fedora - Centos - OpenSUSE )

    Linux Desktop ( Ubuntu - Fedora - Centos - OpenSUSE )
    Instructors: Ibrahim M
    5 sections • 84 lectures • 8h 39m
    Video: MP4 1280x720 44 KHz | English + Sub
    Updated 2/2022 | Size: 5.6 GB

    Linux desktop for beginners , how to make Linux your daily operating system

    What you'll learn
    How to get familiar with Linux Ubuntu desktop
    How to get familiar with Linux Fedora desktop
    How to get familiar with Linux Centos desktop
    How to get familiar with Linux OpenSUSE desktop
    Student should has a PC or laptop and an internet connection
    Linux; ( Ubuntu - Fedora - Centos - OpenSUSE ),How to Use; (Beginners Guide)
    This course for all who are interested in Linux operating systems
    This course is the way to change the idea that Linux system is only a scientific system and not appropriate for daily use applications.
    The first step; to change your default and basic operating system to be Linux
    You will learn :-
    First Module : ( Introduction to Linux )
    - Introduction to Linux Operating system
    - i386 vs. AMD64 systems
    - Download Linux distribution
    - Make a boot-able USB drive
    Second Module : ( Linux; Ubuntu desktop )
    - Linux Ubuntu Installation
    - Update system and quick review on Ubuntu
    - Download and install web browsers
    - Download and install Snap-store
    - Play multi-media on Linux
    - Audio editor on Linux
    - Screen Shot in Linux Ubuntu
    - Open and write PDF files and text files on Linux Ubuntu
    - Open and edit images on Linux Ubuntu
    - Office packages on Linux Ubuntu
    - emails management on Linux Ubuntu
    - Download from internet on Linux Ubuntu
    - Linux Ubuntu settings review
    - Calculator and system monitor
    - Development environments on Linux Ubuntu
    - Android mobile phones with Ubuntu
    - Remote desktop on Linux Ubuntu
    - Storage management and make a boot-able drive on Linux Ubuntu
    Third Module : ( Linux Fedora desktop )
    - Linux Fedora Installation
    - Update system and quick review on Fedora
    - Download and install web browsers
    - Download and install Snap-store
    - Play multi-media on Linux Fedora
    - Audio editor on Linux Fedora
    - Screen Shot in Linux Fedora
    - Open and write PDF files and text files on Linux Fedora
    - Open and edit images on Linux Fedora
    - Office packages on Linux Fedora
    - emails management on Linux Fedora
    - Download from internet on Linux Fedora
    - Linux Fedora settings review
    - Calculator and system monitor
    - Development environments on Linux Fedora
    - Android mobile phones with Fedora
    - Remote desktop on Linux Fedora
    - Storage management and make a boot-able drive on Linux Fedora
    Fourth Module : ( Linux; Centos desktop )
    - Linux Centos Installation
    - Update system and quick review on Centos
    - Download and install web browsers
    - Download and install Snap-store
    - Play multi-media on Linux Centos
    - Audio editor on Linux Centos
    - Screen Shot in Linux Centos
    - Open and write PDF files and text files on Linux Centos
    - Open and edit images on Linux Centos
    - Office packages on Linux Centos
    - emails management on Linux Centos
    - Download from internet on Linux Centos
    - Linux Centos settings review
    - Calculator and system monitor
    - Development environments on Linux Centos
    - Android mobile phones with Centos
    - Remote desktop on Linux Centos
    - Storage management and make a boot-able drive on Linux Centos
    Fifth Module : ( Linux; OpenSUSE desktop )
    - Linux OpenSUSE Installation
    - Update system and quick review on OpenSUSE
    - Download and install web browsers
    - Download and install Snap-store
    - Play multi-media on Linux OpenSUSE
    - Audio editor on Linux OpenSUSE
    - Screen Shot in Linux OpenSUSE
    - Open and write PDF files and text files on Linux OpenSUSE
    - Open and edit images on Linux OpenSUSE
    - Office packages on Linux OpenSUSE
    - emails management on Linux OpenSUSE
    - Download from internet on Linux OpenSUSE
    - Linux OpenSUSE settings review
    - Calculator and system monitor
    - Development environments on Linux OpenSUSE
    - Android mobile phones with OpenSUSE
    - Remote desktop on Linux OpenSUSE
    - Storage management and make a boot-able drive on Linux OpenSUSE
    hope you enjoy this course

    Who this course is for:All levels ,


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  7. #5377
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    Implementing A Cisco Asa Firewall 9.X - All - In - One

    Implementing A Cisco Asa Firewall 9.X - All - In - One
    Last updated 8/2019
    MP4 | Video: h264, 1280x720 | Audio: AAC, 44.1 KHz
    Language: English | Size: 5.56 GB | Duration: 16h 22m

    Implementing a Cisco ASA Firewall 9.X - All - in - One

    What you'll learn
    Implementing a Cisco ASA Firewall
    Cisco CCNA R-S Level Knowledge

    This course teaches you how to implement the Cisco ASA Firewall from scatch. No Firewall knowledge is required. The topics covered include the following:• Basic Configuration • Interface configuration • Security Levels • Management[Telnet / SSH] • Routing[RIPv2, EIGRP, OSPF, BGP] • NAT[Dynamic/Static NAT, Dynamic/Static PAT, Manual NAT] • Access Policies• Transparent firewall • Initialization • Access policies • Ethertype ACLs• Redundancy • Redundant Interfaces • Port-channels • Security Contexts • Failover[Active/Standby & Active/Active] • Clustering• Deep-Packet Inspection using MPF • Tuning the global policy • Configuring custom L7 policy• ASA VPNs • Site - To - Site IPSec • Site - To - Site - NAT - T • Remote access • Web VPN • AnyConnect
    Section 1: Overview and Basic Initialization
    Lecture 1 ASA Overview and Traffic Flow
    Lecture 2 Basic Initialization
    Section 2: Configuring Routing on the ASA
    Lecture 3 Routing on the ASA - Static Routes
    Lecture 4 Routing on the ASA - RIPv2
    Lecture 5 Routing on the ASA - EIGRP
    Lecture 6 Routing on the ASA - OSPF
    Lecture 7 Routing on the ASA - BGP
    Section 3: Traffic Flow
    Lecture 8 8. Controlling Thru Traffic Using an Access Control Lists (ACL)
    Lecture 9 9. Controlling Traffic to the Firewall
    Section 4: Remote Management
    Lecture 10 Remote Management Access to the Firewall
    Lecture 11 Configuring Management Access Using TELNET
    Lecture 12 Configuring Management Access Using SSH
    Lecture 13 Configuring Management Access Using HTTP using ASDM
    Section 5: Network Address Translation (NAT)
    Lecture 14 Overview of NAT and Dynamic NAT
    Lecture 15 Static NAT
    Lecture 16 Destination NAT
    Lecture 17 Dynamic PAT
    Lecture 18 Static PAT
    Lecture 19 Policy NAT
    Section 6: Transparent Firewall - Layer 2 Firewall
    Lecture 20 Overview and Basic Initialization of Transparent Firewall
    Lecture 21 Routing thru a Transparent Firewall
    Lecture 22 Ethertype ACLs on a Transparent Firewall
    Section 7: Virtualization & Redundancy
    Lecture 23 Security Contexts
    Lecture 24 Redundant Interfaces
    Lecture 25 Port Channels
    Lecture 26 Active / Standby Failover
    Lecture 27 Active / Active Failover
    Lecture 28 ASA Clustering Overview
    Lecture 29 ASA Clustering Spanned Mode
    Section 8: Deep Packet Inspection
    Lecture 30 MPF - Deep Packet Inspection Overview
    Lecture 31 MPF - ICMP Example
    Lecture 32 MPF - Non-Standard Port Example
    Section 9: Virtual Private Networks
    Lecture 33 IPSec Overview & LAN - To - LAN VPN using Crypto Maps
    Lecture 34 LAN - To -LAN VPN between a Router and an ASA
    Lecture 35 LAN - To - LAN VPN - NAT-T
    Lecture 36 Configuring ASDM for Management
    Lecture 37 Web VPN
    Lecture 38 Remote Access VPN using AnyConnect
    Anyone that wants to go into the Security Field


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  8. #5378
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    Gaia - Open Minds - Season 14

    Gaia - Open Minds - Season 14
    MP4 | Video: h264, 1920x1080 | Audio: AAC, 44.1 KHz, 2 Ch
    Genre: eLearning | Language: English + Subs | Duration: 14 Lessons (13h 47m) | Size: 21.8 GB

    Host Regina Meredith conducts interviews with thought-provoking luminaries, cutting-edge visionaries and tireless researchers, providing crucial information to awaken viewers to new perspectives that spark awareness, understanding and ultimately, transformation.


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  9. #5379
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    Kickbox, Muay Thai & Self Defense Training With Punching Bag

    Kickbox, Muay Thai & Self Defense Training With Punching Bag
    Last updated 10/2021
    MP4 | Video: h264, 1280x720 | Audio: AAC, 44.1 KHz
    Language: English | Size: 12.59 GB | Duration: 10h 36m

    Best of Kickboxing, Muay Thai, Boxing, Martial arts, How to learn Self-Defence while burning FAT and getting fit.

    What you'll learn
    How to learn Self-Defence while burning FAT and getting fit
    This program has something for any level learners.
    What you will learn;fight stances, How to throw impactful punches, bone breaking kick techniques, elbow and knee strikes
    Total of 12 different exercise programs, , basically you will get fit, burn fat and learn how to fight!
    This program includes;3 different levels BOXING training ,3 different levels KICKBOXING training, 3 different levels MUAY THAI, 3 different levels KICK training
    You will also learn how to become more flexible by STRETCHING training lessons,
    If you put the time and effort, it is possible to achieve split legs with these lessons.
    As you trainer, I will be available for your questions and I will do my best for you to succeed with your goals!
    You don't need any experiments for this program.

    Hi everyone, This is Sensei Barbaros, I am a master of 6 different martial systems. My profession is a Kickboxing Personal Trainer. I also teach other types of self-defense systems to my students. If you wish to learn more about me please google my name. (Most of the content you will find are in my native language but some of the videos you will find will give an idea about my skills and competence) I created a heavy bag system for who wants to learn and practice martial arts at home, at the gym, or wherever. I want to be online trainer for you so if you have any questions just ask me. I will answer you as soon as possible.Some of the techniques I teach in my workout course videos are; Kickboxing, Muay Thai, boxing, and some self-defense techniques. This kickboxing training course covers all the best kickboxing techniques and teaches Muay Thai Kickboxing fundamentals. This course will enable you to master Muay Thai Kickboxing.My Udemy Heavy bag system, all workout videos show 3 different levels; For beginners, intermediate and advanced learners. Total of 12 unique lessons.You can choose your workout calendar according to your fitness level.kickboxenkick bokskick box
    Section 1: BEFORE YOU START
    Lecture 1 Fit-kickboxing trailer
    Lecture 2 Let's learn the fighting techniques
    Lecture 4 LEVEL 1- CALENDAR
    Lecture 5 LEVEL 2- CALENDAR
    Lecture 6 LEVEL 3- CALENDAR
    Lecture 7 if you can't download from udemy. You can download from my drive
    Lecture 8 BOXING LEVEL-1
    Lecture 9 BOXING LEVEL-2
    Lecture 10 BOXING LEVEL-3
    Lecture 11 KICKBOXING LEVEL-1
    Lecture 12 KICKBOXING LEVEL-2
    Lecture 13 KICKBOXING LEVEL-3
    Lecture 14 MUAY THAI LEVEL-1
    Lecture 15 MUAY THAI LEVEL-2
    Lecture 16 MUAY THAI LEVEL-3
    Lecture 17 KİCK LEVEL-1
    Lecture 18 KICK LEVEL-2
    Lecture 19 KICK LEVEL-3
    Section 5: BONUS
    Lecture 20 SHADOW BOXING-1
    Lecture 21 SHADOW BOXING-2
    Lecture 22 SHADOW BOXING-3
    Lecture 23 SHADOW BOXING-4
    Lecture 24 SHADOW BOXING-5
    Lecture 25 SHADOW BOXING-6
    Lecture 26 SHADOW BOXING-7
    Who wants to learning, improving fighting skill and build up better body,Who wants to fat burning fast


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  10. #5380
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    Master the SAT - Higher score guaranteed!

    Master the SAT - Higher score guaranteed!
    Published 06/2022
    MP4 | Video: h264, 1280x720 | Audio: AAC, 44.1 KHz, 2 Ch
    Genre: eLearning | Language: English + srt | Duration: 9 lectures (6h 13m) | Size: 5 GB

    Your journey to a rewarding college experience!

    What you'll learn
    Master Reading, Writing and Math
    Learn to simplify math by going back to basic strategies
    How to figure out what a word means in a passage using context clues
    What to look for in the writing sections and sharpen your writing skills
    A positive attitude and willingness to strive forward!
    Motivation....that is absolute key in doing well on the SAT
    Be in a quiet spot, have plenty of paper and pencil to write with as you follow along.
    ***The following information is subjective and can always be corroborated by researching further online.
    What is the SAT?
    The SAT stands for Scholastic Aptitude Test. It's issued by the CollegeBoard and is an option for students to stay competitive above others and to continue on the path to success.

    Who takes the SAT?
    It's a national exam taken by high school students in grade levels 10th, 11th and 12th. Students submit their scores to get into college, top ranked universities and can earn the best scholarships (FREE COLLEGE ADMISSIONS!)

    What is tested on the SAT?
    Reading, Writing and Math (Utilize your skills gained from the SAT to mold your inner philosophies!)

    Is the SAT for me?
    FlipSetter Academy encourages all students to take the SAT because it's a Think-Outside-The-Box type of test where your aptitude is challenged and it's excellent practice that raises awareness for
    - Job Placement - Life-Long Skills
    - Presentations - Life Decisions
    - Higher Education

    This is why it's called the Scholastic "Aptitude" Test and is a great way to be exposed to, and to be aware that your Aptitude will always be challenged.

    Other benefits...
    - Getting into the college of your choice
    - Standing out from the masses with a high score
    - Making you feel smarter & gaining confidence
    - A higher score equals access to great scholarships
    What is tested on the SAT?
    Reading, Writing and Math (Utilize your skills gained from the SAT to mold your inner philosophies!)
    Section 1 - Reading (basic ability to decipher what other people have accomplished and shows you a path to success.)
    Section 2 - Writing (express your thoughts, emotions and dreams; and to motivate others to follow you. Transition from a follower to a leader)
    Section 3 & 4 - Math (it's the language of the future. It powers the next generation)

    What is considered a competitive score?
    Any score that is 1400 and above
    What are the age requirements for the SAT?
    According to online articles, any student that is age 14 and above, 9th grade and above is eligible to take the SAT. (Their terms may change every year, so click on this link to learn more)
    Who this course is for
    SAT test takers ready to be more competitive. A higher SAT score results in a more rewarding college.
    Want colleges to look for you? Impress them with your higher SAT score


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