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Thread: Video Tutorials Collection

  1. #5261
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    Zsigmondy'S Theorem

    Zsigmondy'S Theorem
    MP4 | Video: h264, 1280x720 | Audio: AAC, 44.1 KHz
    Language: English | Size: 10.90 GB | Duration: 8h 24m

    Advancing Algebra to understand Number theory

    What you'll learn
    Proof of Zsigmondy's Theorem
    Applications of Zsigmondy's Theorem
    Lifting the Exponent Lemma
    Cyclotomic polynomials
    Complex roots of unity
    Mobius Inversion
    Number theory
    Modular arithmetic with prime numbers
    Sound algebra skills

    The story line that guides us is proving a theorem of Zsigmondy in number theory and seeing how it can be used to solve maths olympiad problems that would otherwise be quite difficult. To achieve this goal we first understand what I consider to be the most central topic in high school algebra which is omitted in high schools: cyclotomic polynomials. This sounds specialised but this is at the heart of all the algebra learned at high school such as factorising a difference of 2 squares or cubes. The cyclotomic polynomials gives a factorisation of x^n-1. When n is 2, this is just the difference of 2 squares. If you let the x be x/y then you really get x^2-y^2 after some easy manipulation. (x^n means x to the power of n)These lessons will be a very valuable part of a serious high school maths student or olympian.One of the really interesting features of this course is that the instructor learns the proof of the Zsigmondy Theorem with the students and you get to see how to educate yourself without further need to be taught.


    Section 1: Introduction

    Lecture 1 Introduction

    Section 2: Polynomials

    Lecture 2 PST polynomials part 1

    Lecture 3 PST polynomials part 2

    Lecture 4 Irreducibility

    Section 3: Diophantine equations

    Lecture 5 PST 3: Diophantine equations

    Lecture 6 PST 3.11 Cyclotomic Recognition

    Section 4: Mobius inversion

    Lecture 7 Mobius inversion revisited

    Section 5: Cyclotomic polynomials

    Lecture 8 Cyclotomic polynomials skipping Mobius

    Lecture 9 Cyclotomic polynomials including Mobius

    Lecture 10 Cyclotomic recognition revisited

    Lecture 11 Infinitely many primes 1 mod n

    Lecture 12 2002 IMO Shortlist N3

    Lecture 13 2006 IMO Shortlist N5

    Section 6: LTE

    Lecture 14 Summary summarised

    Lecture 15 Problem 1

    Lecture 16 2018 IMO Q4

    Section 7: Zsigmond Prerequisites

    Lecture 17 Prerequisites stated and some proved

    Section 8: Zsigmondy Theorem Proof

    Lecture 18 Relate to Cyclotomic polynomials

    Lecture 19 Consolidate and continue

    Lecture 20 psi_n=lambda_nP_n

    Lecture 21 lambda_nP_n primes

    Lecture 22 lambda_n=1 and other cases

    Lecture 23 When a-b=1. QED

    Section 9: Zsigmondy Applications

    Lecture 24 a^n+b^n and other applications

    Lecture 25 Problems

    Maths olympiad students,Serious maths students,Serious students seeking proper foundation in algebra in high school



  2. #5262
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    Unreal Engine 5, Jeux En C++ Pour D?butants

    Unreal Engine 5, Jeux En C++ Pour D?butants
    MP4 | Video: h264, 1280x720 | Audio: AAC, 48 KHz
    Language: Fran?ais | Size: 13.67 GB | Duration: 20h 48m

    G?rer facilement les jeux en C++, sans utiliser de blueprints

    What you'll learn
    Apprendre l'interface de Unreal Engine 5
    Apprendre ? programmer en C++
    Cr?er des jeux sur Unreal Engine, en C++
    Approfondir ses connaissances, et pi?ges ? ?viter
    Aucune exp?rience requise

    Formation facile pour d?butants. D?couverte de la version 5 de Unreal Engine. Initiation et programmation des jeux avec Unreal Engine C++, sans utiliser de blueprint. R?cup?rer des personnages et animations gratuitement sur le site Mixamo.Importer les personnages et les animations.G?rer les entr?es axis et action.G?rer les animations de d?placements, d'attente, de saut, de tir, de mort...Modifier les animations.Retargeting, transposer les animations sur les autres personnages.Placer l'arme dans la main droite du personnage, et des ennemis.Tirer sur les ennemis.Etincelles de tir et d'impacts.Bruitage des coups de feu.Afficher une cible. Tirer en rafale.Causer des dommages sur le personnage et les ennemis.Traces de balles. Sang.G?rer les decals.Faire mourir le personnage et les ennemis.Programmer l'intelligence artificielle, pour que les ennemis poursuivent et tirent sur le personnage, quand ils le voit.Ennemis qui continuent de patrouiller quand ils ne voit pas le personnage.Bruits de pas diff?rents, suivant la surface du sol.Animer des objets, avec bruitage.Ouvrir une porte.Allumer une lumi?re.R?cup?rer des objets (cl?s)G?rer la physique, les collisions.Widgets. Informations affich?es sur l'?cran. G?rer les textes, images et progressions affich?es ? l'?cran, depuis le code c++Programmer des codes de triche.Personnage immortel.Nombre de balles illimit?es.Donner au personnage la possibilit? de se cacher de l'ennemi, et donc de pouvoir l'attaquer sans ?tre vus.Musique d'ambiance.


    Section 1: T?l?charger et installer

    Lecture 1 T?l?charger et installer Unreal Engine

    Lecture 2 T?l?charger et installer Visual Studio

    Section 2: Nouveau projet

    Lecture 3 Cr?er un nouveau projet

    Lecture 4 Ouvrir un projet

    Lecture 5 Sauvegarder le projet

    Lecture 6 Restaurer le Projet

    Lecture 7 Si Generate n'apparait pas

    Section 3: Pr?sentation du logiciel

    Lecture 8 Interfaces

    Lecture 9 Se d?placer dans la sc?ne

    Lecture 10 S?lectionner les objets dans la sc?ne

    Lecture 11 D?placer les objets

    Lecture 12 Pivoter les objets

    Lecture 13 Redimentionner les objets

    Lecture 14 Modifier dans le panneau Details

    Lecture 15 Raccourcis clavier

    Lecture 16 World et Local

    Lecture 17 Magn?tisme

    Lecture 18 Surface snapping

    Lecture 19 Diff?rentes vues de la sc?ne

    Lecture 20 Aller rapidement ? diff?rents endroits de la sc?ne

    Section 4: Introduction au C++

    Lecture 21 Cr?er une classe

    Lecture 22 D?couverte des fichiers H et CPP

    Lecture 23 D?clarations et impl?mentations

    Lecture 24 Afficher du texte

    Lecture 25 Commentaires

    Lecture 26 Cr?er et afficher une variable de nombre entier

    Lecture 27 Variable de type float

    Lecture 28 Variable de type boolean

    Lecture 29 Variable de type texte

    Lecture 30 Cr?ation de notre premi?re fonction

    Lecture 31 Fonction avec arguments

    Lecture 32 Fonction avec un retour

    Lecture 33 Fonction avec une valeur par d?faut

    Lecture 34 Fonction avec plusieurs valeurs par d?faut

    Lecture 35 Conditions

    Lecture 36 Raccourcis pour les op?rations

    Section 5: Cr?ation du projet Tuto

    Lecture 37 Cr?ation du projet

    Lecture 38 Sauvegarde du Level

    Section 6: Importer des animations de Mixamo

    Lecture 39 T?l?charger les personnages et les animations

    Lecture 40 Importer dans Unreal Engine

    Section 7: Classe du personnage Megan

    Lecture 41 Cr?ation de la classe

    Lecture 42 Ce qu'on va faire

    Lecture 43 Acc?der ? la Capsule de Collision

    Lecture 44 Savoir quel include ajouter

    Lecture 45 Acc?der au Character Movement Component

    Lecture 46 Acc?der au SkeletalMesh Component

    Lecture 47 R?cup?rer la r?f?rence du SkeletalMesh de Megan

    Lecture 48 Savoir quelle classe ajouter

    Lecture 49 Placer Megan dans le SkeletalMesh Component

    Lecture 50 Axes Y, Y et Z

    Lecture 51 Baisser le personnage au niveau de la capsule

    Lecture 52 PITCH - YAW - ROLL - Tourner le personnage vers la gauche

    Lecture 53 Redimentionner le personnage

    Lecture 54 Ajouter le bras de la cam?ra

    Lecture 55 UPROPERTY

    Lecture 56 Ajouter la cam?ra

    Lecture 57 Prendre la possession du personnage

    Section 8: G?rer les Inputs

    Lecture 58 Assigner les Inputs dans Unreal Engine

    Lecture 59 D?l?guer l'input Axis dans le code C++

    Lecture 60 D?l?guer l'input Action dans le code C++

    Lecture 61 D?placer le personnage en avant et en arri?re

    Lecture 62 Vitesse de marche et de course

    Lecture 63 D?placer le personnage ? gauche et ? droite

    Lecture 64 Tourner le personnage quand il se d?place

    Lecture 65 DeltaTime

    Lecture 66 Tourner la cam?ra vers le haut ou vers le bas

    Lecture 67 Activer ou d?sactiver le ressort du bras de la cam?ra

    Lecture 68 Zoom

    Lecture 69 Faire sauter le personnage

    Lecture 70 Accroupir le personnage

    Section 9: Animations

    Lecture 71 D?couverte de l'Animation Blueprint

    Lecture 72 Cr?ation de la classe d?riv?e de AnimInstance

    Lecture 73 Variables pilot?es depuis notre classe

    Lecture 74 Animation de marche

    Lecture 75 S?lectionner notre Animation Blueprint

    Lecture 76 Cr?er un BlendSpace

    Lecture 77 G?rer les animations

    Section 10: Retargeting

    Lecture 78 R?cup?rer les animations du Mannequin

    Lecture 79 Retargeting nouvelle version !

    Lecture 80 Retargeting ancienne version : Retarget Manager - Humanoid

    Lecture 81 Retargeting ancienne version : Faire correspondre les bones

    Lecture 82 Retargeting ancienne version : Preview mesh

    Lecture 83 Retargeting ancienne version : Finalisation

    Section 11: Animations de saut

    Lecture 84 Ajouter les ?tats

    Lecture 85 Finaliser les animations de saut

    Section 12: Bruits de pas

    Lecture 86 Bruits de pas

    Lecture 87 Bruit de saut

    Lecture 88 Diff?rence entre Notify et Notify State

    Lecture 89 Cr?er une classe d?riv?e de AnimInstance

    Lecture 90 Ajouter les fonctions de base

    Lecture 91 R?f?rences des 3 bruits de pas

    Lecture 92 Fonctionnement des notifications

    Lecture 93 Ajouter des variables

    Lecture 94 G?rer les audios

    Lecture 95 Megascans - Quixel Bridge

    Lecture 96 Cr?er 3 Physical Materials

    Lecture 97 Define

    Lecture 98 Appeler la fonction qui d?tecte le material

    Lecture 99 Fonction qui d?tecte le material

    Lecture 100 Am?liorer la synchro des bruits

    Section 13: Clef

    Lecture 101 Cr?ation de la classe

    Lecture 102 R?cup?rer une particle du Starter Content

    Lecture 103 Ajouter une Box Collision

    Lecture 104 Ajouter la cl?

    Lecture 105 Placement de la Box et de la cl?

    Lecture 106 Ajouter la particle

    Lecture 107 Audio et Tags

    Lecture 108 Ev?nements quand on entre en collision avec la cl?

    Lecture 109 Faire tourner la cl?

    Lecture 110 Code de collision

    Section 14: Pistolet

    Lecture 111 Cr?er la classe Pistolet

    Lecture 112 Ajouter le pistolet

    Lecture 113 Ajouter un socket au bout du canon

    Lecture 114 Ajouter une fl?che

    Lecture 115 Ajouter un socket dans la main droite de Megan

    Lecture 116 D?claration du pistolet dans Megan

    Lecture 117 Eviter les redondances des Includes

    Lecture 118 R?cup?rer la r?f?rence d'une classe

    Lecture 119 Cr?er un blueprint d?riv? d'une classe

    Lecture 120 Mettre le pistolet dans la main droite de Megan

    Lecture 121 Afficher et cacher l'arme

    Lecture 122 Etincelle au bout du canon

    Lecture 123 Particles d'impact

    Lecture 124 Traces de balles

    Lecture 125 Audio et Includes

    Section 15: Modifier une animation

    Lecture 126 Modifier une animation

    Section 16: Afficher la cible

    Lecture 127 Importer l'image, et cr?er un Widget Blueprint

    Lecture 128 D?clarer le widget et ajouter un module dans le fichier Build.cs-

    Lecture 129 Ajouter le widget dans le viewport

    Lecture 130 Passer en mode tir avec cible et d?centrer le personnage

    Lecture 131 Ne pas montrer les pieds du personnage

    Lecture 132 Tirer en direction de la cible

    Lecture 133 Optimiser le code

    Section 17: Tirer en rafale

    Lecture 134 Timer

    Lecture 135 Tirer en rafale

    Section 18: Collision et impact physique

    Lecture 136 Collision Visibility - Block et Ignore

    Lecture 137 Impact physique sur les objets

    Section 19: Ouvrir une porte en prenant une cl?

    Lecture 138 Cr?er l'animation

    Lecture 139 Pr?parer le code

    Lecture 140 Code pour ouvrir la porte

    Lecture 141 Ajouter le bruit de la porte qui s'ouvre

    Section 20: Enum?rations

    Lecture 142 Remplacer les Tags par une liste

    Lecture 143 Texte de la ligne s?lectionn?e

    Lecture 144 Num?ro de la ligne s?lectionn?e

    Lecture 145 Remplacer les tags

    Section 21: Cr?er un blueprint d?riv? d'une classe

    Lecture 146 Cr?er un blueprint d?riv? d'une classe

    Section 22: Sant? du personnage

    Lecture 147 Diminuer la sant? du personnage

    Lecture 148 Animation de mort du personnage

    Section 23: Dreyar, l'ennemi

    Lecture 149 Animation Blueprint et Blend Space

    Lecture 150 Cr?er la classe Dreyar

    Lecture 151 Modification de notre classe qui pilote l'Animation Blueprint

    Lecture 152 Envoyer le Blend Space dans l'Animation Blueprint

    Lecture 153 Pour que Dreyar puisse prendre la cl?

    Lecture 154 Ajouter le socket dans la main droite

    Lecture 155 Modifier l'animation Idle pour pointer le pistolet plus haut

    Lecture 156 Animations de Jump

    Section 24: Intelligence artificielle

    Lecture 157 Cr?ation de la classe

    Lecture 158 Donner la possession de Dreyar ? l'intelligence artificielle

    Lecture 159 Fonction OnPossess

    Lecture 160 Nav Mesh Bound

    Lecture 161 Quand l'ennemi voit Megan

    Lecture 162 Quand l'ennemi ne voit pas Megan

    Lecture 163 Arr?ter l'ennemi quand il ne voit pas Megan

    Lecture 164 Patrouiller vers des Target Points al?atoirement

    Lecture 165 Savoir si l'ennemi a rejoint sa cible

    Lecture 166 Modifier la valeur de rapprochement

    Lecture 167 Code pour faire patrouiller l'ennemi

    Lecture 168 Patrouiller aussi, quand l'ennemi ne peut pas atteindre Megan

    Lecture 169 Armer l'ennemi, et tirer

    Lecture 170 Lignes rouges pour voir le tir de l'ennemi

    Lecture 171 Optimiser

    Lecture 172 Fr?quence du tir

    Lecture 173 Tourner ? l'arr?t (1)

    Lecture 174 Tourner ? l'arr?t (2)

    Lecture 175 Tir sur un ami

    Lecture 176 NavMeshBound dynamique

    Lecture 177 Si aucun TargetPoint

    Lecture 178 Quand 2 ennemis se rencontrent

    Section 25: Simuler la physique

    Lecture 179 Pour que le mur puisse tomber, quand on lui tire dessus

    Lecture 180 Ce qui tombe, et ce qui ne tombe pas

    Section 26: Classe GameModeBase

    Lecture 181 Cr?ation de la classe

    Lecture 182 D?finir le Game Mode Base, pour le Level

    Lecture 183 Acc?der au GameMode depuis un acteur

    Section 27: Ajustements de l'ennemi et de Megan

    Lecture 184 Corriger le tir de l'ennemi

    Lecture 185 Megan immortelle

    Lecture 186 Mort de l'ennemi

    Section 28: Trigger

    Lecture 187 Ce qu'on va faire

    Lecture 188 Cr?er la classe

    Lecture 189 Ajouter la lampe

    Lecture 190 Impl?menter les fonctions

    Lecture 191 Allumer et ?teindre la lumi?re

    Section 29: Widgets

    Lecture 192 Cr?er un autre Widget Blueprint

    Lecture 193 Progress Bar

    Lecture 194 Texte

    Lecture 195 Image

    Lecture 196 Optimiser le code

    Lecture 197 Afficher l'acc?s au super Jump et ? la cible

    Lecture 198 Correction de l'?crasement de l'image Target

    Section 30: Aligner

    Lecture 199 D?placer un point de pivot

    Lecture 200 Positionner le pivot sur un vertex

    Lecture 201 Aligner 2 objets

    Section 31: Placer un acteur pendant le jeu

    Lecture 202 Ajouter une clef dynamiquement pendant le jeu

    Lecture 203 Modifier la localisation d'un acteur

    Lecture 204 S'il y a d?j? un acteur dans l'emplacement

    Section 32: Grouper et Merger des objets

    Lecture 205 Grouper plusieurs acteurs

    Lecture 206 Merger plusieurs acteurs en un seul

    Section 33: Sc?nario

    Lecture 207 Faire les murs

    Lecture 208 Ajouter un cube pour sauter

    Lecture 209 Pr?parer l'ajout al?atoire des cl?s

    Lecture 210 Calcul de la position al?atoire

    Lecture 211 Placer la premi?re cl?

    Lecture 212 Placer la deuxi?me cl? pour l'exemple

    Lecture 213 Target (cible) accessible par d?faut

    Lecture 214 Supprimer les ennemis en trop

    Lecture 215 Replacer al?atoirement les ennemis

    Lecture 216 Supprimer les pistolets restants

    Lecture 217 Codes pour tricher

    Lecture 218 Impl?mentations des codes de triche

    Lecture 219 Ajouter l'image et tester le code d'immortalit?

    Lecture 220 Nombre de munitions

    Lecture 221 Afficher le nombre de munitions

    Lecture 222 Placer les ennemis loin de Megan

    Lecture 223 Cacher Megan

    Lecture 224 Vision de l'ennemi, et l'emp?cher de prendre la cl?

    Lecture 225 Nombre d'ennemis

    Lecture 226 Stopper l'ennemi quand il meurt

    Lecture 227 Musique d'ambiance

    Section 34: Fichiers du Projet

    Lecture 228 Projet Tuto

    Who this course is for
    D?butants qui d?sirent apprendre ? programmer des jeux en C++ sur Unreal Engine 5



  3. #5263
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    Ma?triser Node.Js Et Son ?cosyst?me (Npm, Express, Mongo, .)

    Ma?triser Node.Js Et Son ?cosyst?me (Npm, Express, Mongo, .)
    MP4 | Video: h264, 1280x720 | Audio: AAC, 48 KHz
    Language: Fran?ais | Size: 5.23 GB | Duration: 10h 12m

    Une formation compl?te sur Node.js, Express, MongoDB, Mongoose, EJS, etc. incluant plusieurs projets pratiques !

    What you'll learn
    Ma?triser Node js et son ?cosyst?me
    Utiliser le gestionnaire de paquets NPM
    D?couvrir les bases de donn?es MongoDB (NoSQL)
    Ma?triser les modules incontournables de Node js : Express js, Mongoose, EJS, etc.
    Apprendre et comprendre Node js ? travers des projets concrets
    Devenir autonome dans la cr?ation d'applications web et sites internet avec Node js
    Avoir un ordinateur (MacOS, Windows ou Linux)
    Avoir des bases en d?veloppement web (notamment HTML)
    Avoir des notions de programmation (en JS ou dans un autre langage)

    Bienvenue dans ce cours complet sur Node.js et de nombreux outils qui composent sa stack de d?veloppement ! Pour n'en citer que certains : NPM (gestionnaire de packets pour node), Express (incontournable framework web), MongoDB (base de donn?es NoSQL), EJS (moteur de template), etc.Arriv? en 2009, Node.js fait aujourd'hui tourner plus de 30 millions de sites internet dans le monde, dont de nombreux ayant un fort trafic ! Cette technologie est notamment appr?ci?e pour sa rapidit? d'ex?cution et son mod?le de traitement non-bloquant; c'est pourquoi des entreprises comme Netflix, PayPal, LinkedIn, Uber, Twitter et plein d'autres l'utilisent.Avec un formateur cumulant plus de 5 ans d'exp?rience dans le d?veloppement web, vous apprendrez toute la th?orie n?cessaire ? l'utilisation de Node tout en mettant vos connaissances en pratique ? travers trois projets concrets : un programme affichant le cours du Bitcoin en lignes de commande, une todolist ainsi qu'une phototh?que (gestionnaire d'albums photo).Vous serez guid? pas ? pas et, ? la fin de ce cours, vous serez totalement autonome dans l'utilisation de Node.js ! Vous serez donc capable de d?velopper vos propres sites internet et applications web avec Node.js et ses nombreux modules.En plus, vous avez uniquement besoin de connaissances de base en HTML et dans JS (ou tout autre langage de programmation) pour suivre ce cours.Pr?t ? cr?er vos premiers sites internet avec Node.js ?


    Section 1: Introduction

    Lecture 1 Node.js, ? quoi ?a sert ?

    Lecture 2 Qu'allons-nous apprendre et quels sont les pr?requis ?

    Section 2: Installer Node.js

    Lecture 3 Quelle version choisir ?

    Lecture 4[MacOS] Installer Node.js

    Lecture 5[Windows] Installer Node.js

    Lecture 6 Utiliser NVM pour g?rer ses versions (Node Version Manager)

    Lecture 7 Notre premier serveur Node.js

    Section 3: Notions cl?s de JS (ES6, ES7, ES 2017)

    Lecture 8 Introduction

    Lecture 9 Point-virgule ?

    Lecture 10 Les variables et constantes

    Lecture 11 Les boucles for ... of

    Lecture 12 Les fonctions "fl?ch?es"

    Lecture 13 Les param?tres de fonction par d?faut

    Lecture 14 Rappel sur les objets (JSON)

    Lecture 15 Les classes

    Lecture 16 Les fonctions asynchrones (promises, async/await, etc.)

    Section 4: NPM : Des packages bien pratiques

    Lecture 17 NPM (Node Package Manager), c'est quoi ?

    Lecture 18 Initialiser un projet avec "npm init"

    Lecture 19 Installer et supprimer des packages

    Lecture 20 Les scripts npm

    Lecture 21 Le versionning avec npm

    Section 5: TP1 - Le cours du Bitcoin

    Lecture 22 Pr?sentation du projet

    Lecture 23 Cr?ation du projet

    Lecture 24 Une API pour r?cup?rer des donn?es

    Lecture 25 R?cup?rer le cours du Bitcoin

    Lecture 26 Passer une devise en argument du programme

    Lecture 27 G?rer les erreurs

    Lecture 28 Un peu de refactoring

    Section 6: Node.js pour le web avec Express.js

    Lecture 29 Express.js, c'est quoi ?

    Lecture 30 Installer Express

    Lecture 31 Les routes

    Lecture 32 Les pages HTML

    Lecture 33 Les fichiers statiques

    Lecture 34 Les routes dynamiques

    Lecture 35 Les variables d'URL

    Lecture 36 Traiter des formulaires avec les requ?tes POST

    Lecture 37 Page non trouv?e ? Afficher une erreur 404

    Lecture 38 Les middlewares

    Lecture 39 Les sessions

    Section 7: Du HTML dynamique avec EJS (moteur de template)

    Lecture 40 EJS (Embedded JavaScript), c'est quoi ?

    Lecture 41 Installer et configurer EJS avec Express

    Lecture 42 Notre premi?re page dynamique

    Lecture 43 Les conditions

    Lecture 44 Les boucles

    Lecture 45 Les templates (include)

    Section 8: TP2 - Une todolist avec Node.js, Express et EJS

    Lecture 46 Pr?sentation du projet

    Lecture 47 Cr?ation du projet

    Lecture 48 D?finir la structure d'une todolist

    Lecture 49 Afficher la todolist (EJS)

    Lecture 50 Cr?er des t?ches dans notre todolist (traitement de formulaire)

    Lecture 51 Marquer une t?che comme termin?e

    Lecture 52 Supprimer une t?che

    Lecture 53 Gestion des erreurs

    Lecture 54 Sauvegarder la todolist dans une session

    Section 9: MongoDB & mongoose pour g?rer nos donn?es

    Lecture 55 MongoDB : qu'est-ce que c'est ?

    Lecture 56[MacOS] Installer MongoDB

    Lecture 57[Windows] Installer MongoDB

    Lecture 58 Ins?rer, lire, mettre ? jour et effacer des donn?es avec MongoDB (CRUD)

    Lecture 59 Compass : une interface graphique pour MongoDB

    Lecture 60 Installer Mongoose

    Lecture 61 Nos premiers schema et model mongoose : "User"

    Lecture 62 Mongoose : ins?rer des documents

    Lecture 63 Mongoose : r?cup?rer des documents

    Lecture 64 Mongoose : mettre ? jour des documents

    Lecture 65 Mongoose : supprimer des documents

    Lecture 66 Mongoose : cr?er des liens (r?f?rences) entre les collections

    Lecture 67 Mongoose : les timestamps automatiques

    Section 10: TP3 - Cr?er une phototh?que (Express, EJS, Mongoose, MVC, file upload, etc.)

    Lecture 68 Pr?sentation du projet

    Lecture 69 Cr?ation du projet et structure de fichiers

    Lecture 70 Les fichiers views (EJS)

    Lecture 71 Le formulaire de cr?ation d'un album (EJS)

    Lecture 72 Mod?le d'un album et traitement du formulaire de cr?ation (Mongoose)

    Lecture 73 Traiter les erreurs lors de la cr?ation d'un album

    Lecture 74 Afficher une liste d'albums (EJS)

    Lecture 75 Afficher un album unique (EJS)

    Lecture 76 Formulaire de t?l?versement (upload) d'image (EJS)

    Lecture 77 Traiter l'ajout d'une image ? un album (Mongoose, express-fileupload)

    Lecture 78 Traiter les erreurs lors de l'upload d'une image

    Lecture 79 Afficher les images d'un album (EJS)

    Lecture 80 Supprimer une image d'un album

    Lecture 81 Impossible de cr?er un album ? Attention aux routes dynamique

    Lecture 82 Supprimer un album

    Lecture 83 Des erreurs ? Attrapez-les toutes ! (m?thode catch async)

    Lecture 84 Aller plus loin

    Who this course is for
    Toute personne int?ress?e par le d?veloppement avec Node js,D?veloppeur web front ? la recherche d'une technologie back-end robuste,D?veloppeur back-end (/programmeur) averti qui souhaite s'initier ? Node js



  4. #5264
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    Live Project in C# Net Core & Windows Forms by SQL Database

    Live Project in C# Net Core & Windows Forms by SQL Database
    Published 06/2022
    MP4 | Video: h264, 1280x720 | Audio: AAC, 44.1 KHz, 2 Ch
    Genre: eLearning | Language: English + srt | Duration: 142 lectures (37h 26m) | Size: 20 GB

    Real World Project From Scratch by Windows Forms - C# Net Core 6 by SQL Database - Crystal Reports

    What you'll learn
    Live Full Graphical Project by C# .NET Core + SQL Database from scratch
    Easily Learn Create Pro Windows Apps by .NET core - SQL database in C# - SAP Crystal Reports
    Using C#.NET Core by SQL Server to Create Database Apps - SAP Crystal Reports in C#, Using AES to encrypt and decrypt password
    SAP Crystal Reports to design reports in C#
    SQL Server, It's installation & Using in C#
    Using AES to encrypt and decrypt password

    Visual Studio 2022 Free Community Edition and Some Patience!

    Hi There!

    With my 23 years programming skills I'm with you to share my knowledge with you.


    If you try you will be a c sharper!

    If you wanna make a lot of money!

    If you wanna find best jobs in programming!

    If you Want to learn the C# .NET Core

    If you are beginners or student looking for a tutorial that teach c# with real project in simplest way!

    If you want really to be a programmer so it's best place that you can start to learn C#.

    This course includes

    Start using C# with Visual Studio 2022 From Scratch

    Designing Main Form

    Using SQL in C# by ADO. NET

    SQL Server, It's installation and working

    Create database App with SQL and C#

    SAP Crystal Reports to design amazing reports in C#

    Working with settings in Application

    Design: "Incoming Letters List" Form

    Design: "Incoming Letters Data Entry" Form

    Design: "Outgoing Letters" Form

    Design: "Outgoing Letters Data Entry" Form

    Deeper look at: TableAdapter, Dataset and Datatable

    Customizing DataGridView

    Create database for incoming letters

    Add analog clock to sidebar

    Add login user image to sidebar

    and .

    Don't hesitate to start learning C# .NET Core 6!

    Every thing will be discussed with sample project and you will have lot of fun within my course.

    Say Hi C# world and let's go !!!

    Who this course is for
    Any C# programmers who want to learn how to create a live pro project from scratch to use SQL in C#.NET and Crystal reports



  5. #5265
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    Keyboard Lernen Im Einsteiger-Crashkurs (Videos + Downloads)

    Keyboard Lernen Im Einsteiger-Crashkurs (Videos + Downloads)
    MP4 | Video: h264, 1280x720 | Audio: AAC, 48 KHz
    Language: Deutsch | Size: 6.77 GB | Duration: 5h 34m

    Ni?o Locos Online-Keyboardschule O-KEY ist ein einfach anwendbarer teilinteraktiver Videokurs mit systematischem Aufbau.

    What you'll learn
    Im O-Key-Level 1 alle essentiellen Grundlagen f?r das typische Homekeyboarding ?ben und erlernen, um sp?ter mit O-Key-Level 2 weiter machen zu k?nnen.
    Kennenlernen, verstehen und anwenden tonaler und rhythmischer Kenntnisse sowie praktische F?higkeiten in Instrumentalspiel und Musiktheorie.
    Kennenlernen, verstehen und anwenden wichtiger instrumentaltechnischer Basics am elektronischen Keyboard, sowie Fingertechniken am Tasteninstrument.
    Erlernen erster beidh?ndiger Koordination am Keyboard (teils auch f?r Piano g?ltig), sowie erste Bekanntschaft mit dem Keyboard-Akkordspiel im SFC-Akkordmodus.
    Am Ende von O-Key Level 1 spielst Du bereits beidh?ndig und bei laufender Begleitung Deinen ersten Keyboard-Song!
    Dieser O-Key-Level 1-Crashkurs richtet sich an Keyboard-Anf?nger, welche zumindest ein Einsteiger-Keyboard besitzen.
    Ebenfalls empfohlen ist ein Farbdrucker.

    Hallo Neu-O-Keyaner/in, sei herzlich willkommen!Beginne noch heute Deinen privaten Keyboardunterricht mit meinen professionellen und trotzdem unterhaltsamen Lehrfilmen. Steige hier und jetzt mit O-Key-Level 1 ein, dem Einsteigercrashkurs f?r blutige Anf?nger. Lerne zuhause bei freier Zeiteinteilung modellunabh?ngig mit jedem Keyboard (optional und bedingt auch Piano) mit den Videos meiner Onlinemusikschule, von welchen es auf der O-Key-Webseite sehr viel mehr Videos in insgesamt 5 Level gibt.Im gesamtheitlichen O-Key-Kurs lernst Du Step by Step, wie Keyboardspielen wirklich (!) funktioniert, ab O-Key-Level 2 auch systematisch nach Noten vom Blatt, ab O-Key-Level 3 auch mit richtigen Multifinger-Akkorden. Auch reine Pianospieler k?nnen einen betr?chtlichen Teil aller Videos ebenso f?rs Klavier lernen nutzen, der Schwerpunkt bei O-Key liegt jedoch ganz klar auf dem Keyboard. Lade Dir dabei zu jedem Video alle zugeh?rigen Bl?tter zum Ausdrucken herunter, was Dich nat?rlich nichts extra kostet. Die kinderleichte Handhabung und die sonnenklaren Anweisungen in allen Lehrfilmen werden Dich beim Keyboard lernen m?helos von einem Aha-Erlebnis zum n?chsten Spielerfolg katapultieren. Sobald Du einen Zugang zum gesamten Kurs mit seinen hunderten Videos und Downloads direkt auf O-Key buchst, hast Du gleichzeitig Zugang zum O-Key-Forum, zum Laborvideobereich, zum kompletten mini-TIPPs-Videobereich und zum virtuellen Proberaum und kannst Dich jederzeit mit anderen O-Keyanern austauschen und sogar Deine Aufnahmen uploaden und besprechen.Ich garantiere Dir, dass Du - unabh?ngig Deiner Altersklasse - mit dem riesigen Vorrat an O-Key-Lehrmaterial und allen auf O-Key gegebenen M?glichkeiten nach wenigen Monaten (manchmal nur Wochen) nachhaltigen Spielerfolg erzielst und viel Spa? mit meinem lockeren Humor in den Videos haben wirst, wie bereits einige Tausend O-Keyaner vor Dir. Probier?s aus!Los geht?s jetzt aber erstmal hier und heute mit O-Key-Level 1 als Einstiegs-Crashkurs.Dein Coach Ni?o Loco


    Section 1: Tonklang

    Lecture 1 LEHRVIDEO 1 zum Keyboard lernen: Intro, ?begel?bde & erste Infos zur Tonordnung.

    Lecture 2 Keyboardunterricht im PLAYALONG 1: Nachspiel- & Tonfindungs?bungen an Stammt?nen

    Lecture 3 LEHRVIDEO 2: Sounds, erste Tonfindung und ganze Melodien am Keyboard spielen.

    Lecture 4 Keyboard lernen im PLAYALONG 2: Sound-bezogenes Melodiemitspiel bekannter Songs.

    Section 2: Koordination

    Lecture 5 Keyboard spielen lernen im LEHRVIDEO 3: Handhaltung, Fingersatz & Koordination.

    Lecture 6 PLAYALONG 3: Beidh?ndige Nachspiel- und Tonfindungs?bungen auf allen Stammt?nen.

    Lecture 7 Keyboard Unterricht im LEHRVIDEO 4: Styleplay & Akkorde in Koordinations?bungen.

    Section 3: Rhythmik

    Lecture 8 LEHRVIDEO 5: Metronom, Tondauer und Z?hlen, 2 Kinderlieder mit grober Rhythmik.

    Lecture 9 Keyboardschule-LEHRVIDEO 6: Rhythmus?bungen & -pyramide, genauere Rhythmik.

    Lecture 10 LEHRVIDEO 7 zum Keyboard lernen: Grundschlag, Taktart, Z?hlen, Rhythmik?bungen.

    Lecture 11 LEHRVIDEO 8: Beidh?ndiges Rhythmikspiel nach Noten in 8 Lagen?bungen mit Style.

    Section 4: Abschluss

    Lecture 12 Keyboard online lernen im LEHRVIDEO 9: Akkordangaben, SFC-Akkord?bungen, Checkup

    Lecture 13 LEHRVIDEO 10: Spiel?bung, Keyboard spielen im 1. Song FREUDE SCH?NER G?TTERFUNKE

    Lecture 14 QUIZVIDEO: Mit 5-seitigem Ausf?llbogen zum interaktiven Abschluss-Wissensquiz.

    Lernwillige Keyboard-Einsteiger (Piano-Einsteiger nur bedingt), welche von der Pieke auf Keyboard spielen lernen und dabei wirklich ALLE Grundlagen mitnehmen m?chten.,Vornehmlich f?r Erwachsene oder Jugendliche ab mindestens 10 Jahren.,Ideal auch f?r Menschen ?lteren Semesters, welche sich koordinativ, geistig oder handmotorisch vital halten wollen.,Angehende Neumusiker an den Tasten, welche nach einem fundierten und umfassenden, aber dennoch lustig unterhaltsamen Videokurs suchen.



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    Learn Asp Net C# Oops Sql And Javascript For Development

    Learn Asp Net C# Oops Sql And Javascript For Development
    Published 6/2022
    MP4 | Video: h264, 1280x720 | Audio: AAC, 44.1 KHz
    Language: English | Size: 8.01 GB | Duration: 21h 30m

    Complete developers course for web design, development, coding and database

    What you'll learn
    Build coding for webapps
    Get a job as a junior web developer
    Create your own stunning, layouts for awesome websites
    Start their own online business
    Master client-end design using JavaScript, back-end development C# aspnet coding with Microsoft SQL
    Apply Asp Net C#, Microsoft SQL and JavaScript on real-world tasks
    Create fully function web apps using Microsoft C#, SQL and JavaScript
    No programming experience needed. You will learn everything you need to know
    No pre-knowledge is required - you will learn from basic

    In this course, we will learn the basic tools that every Web developer needs to know. We will start from the scratch by learning how to implement modern web development with JavaScript, Microsoft asp net C# and SQL.Learn to code JavaScript, Microsoft C# language and SQL database is The first step to Coding you need to learn to succeed in web development, it is easy to learn and understand our online JavaScript, asp net C# and Microsoft SQL Training course is designed for you with the complete steps to require learn Complete Developer topics. Mr. Sekhar Metla[MCP - Microsoft Certified Professional] will explain to you even complex topics to simplify and teach you even beginners can easily understand with real-time examples.At this Development course is without a doubt the most comprehensive web development course available online. Even if you have zero programming experience, this course will take you from beginner to mastery. Here's why:The course is taught by the lead instructor having 20+ years of professional experience.Become a Full-Stack Web Developer with just ONE course. Developers complete course for web design, development with scripting, coding and database queries!The course has been updated to be trending technology ready and you'll be learning the latest tools and technologies used at large companies such as Apple, Facebook, Google and Netflix.The curriculum was developed over a period of four years, with comprehensive student testing and feedback who are working and applying these coding examples.We've taught many students how to code and many have gone on to change their lives by becoming professional developers or starting their own tech startup.We'll take you step-by-step through engaging video tutorials and teach you everything you need to know to succeed as a web developer.The course includes HD video tutorials and builds your programming knowledge while making real-world websites and web apps.Throughout this comprehensive course, we cover a massive amount of tools and technologies, including:JavaScriptFront-End Web DevelopmentClient-side scriptingDatatypesOperatorsStatementsLoopsFunction sValidationsError Handlingand more..Asp Net C# LanguageVariablesData typesStatementsControl flow statementsCode DevelopmentWeb DesignFunctionsObject oriented programming[OOPs]ClassMethodsInheritancePolymorphismAbstractionInte rfaceError Handlingand more..Microsoft SQLSQL installationDatabaseTablesSQL functionsSQL statementsSQL operatorsSQL joinsSQL advancedTimestampFiltering dataAnalyzing dataGrouping dataConstraintsReportsBackup and Restoreand more..By the end of this course, you will be fluently programming and be ready to make any website you can dream of.Sign up today, and look forward to:HD Video LecturesCode Challenges and Coding ExercisesBeautiful Real-World dynamic ProjectsABOUT YOUR INSTRUCTORSekhar Metla is a software engineer with 20 years of professional experience. He is the author of several online-selling courses with more than 30,000+ students in many countries. He has a Master of Science in Computer Applications as Software Engineering. His students describe him as passionate, pragmatic, and motivational in his teaching.What are you waiting join now to start learning how to make your own Developer Career TODAY :)


    Section 1: Introduction

    Lecture 1 Introduction

    Lecture 2 How to as great questions

    Lecture 3 What is JavaScript

    Lecture 4 Hello World Program

    Lecture 5 Getting Output

    Lecture 6 Internal JavaScript

    Lecture 7 External JavaScript

    Lecture 8 Inline JavaScript

    Lecture 9 Async and defer

    Section 2: JavaScript Basics

    Lecture 10 Variables

    Lecture 11 Data Types

    Lecture 12 Numbers

    Lecture 13 Strings

    Lecture 14 String Formatting

    Section 3: JavaScript Operators

    Lecture 15 Arithmetic operators

    Lecture 16 Assignment operators

    Lecture 17 Comparison operators

    Lecture 18 Logical operators

    Section 4: JavaScript Conditional Statements

    Lecture 19 If-else statement

    Lecture 20 If-else-if statement

    Section 5: JavaScript Control Flow Statements

    Lecture 21 While loop

    Lecture 22 Do-while loop

    Lecture 23 For loop

    Lecture 24 Coding Exercise

    Lecture 25 Solution for Coding Exercise

    Section 6: JavaScript Functions

    Lecture 26 Creating a Function

    Lecture 27 Function Call()

    Lecture 28 Function with parameters

    Section 7: JavaScript Error Handling

    Lecture 29 Try-catch

    Lecture 30 Try-catch-finally

    Section 8: JavaScript Client-Side Validations

    Lecture 31 On Submit Validation

    Lecture 32 Input Numeric Validation

    Section 9: C# Introduction

    Lecture 33 Introduction to CSharp

    Lecture 34 CSharp vs .NET

    Lecture 35 What is CLR

    Lecture 36 Architecture of .NET Application

    Lecture 37 Getting Visual Studio

    Lecture 38 First CSharp Hello World Application

    Lecture 39 First CSharp Core Hello World Program

    Lecture 40 Assessment Test

    Lecture 41 Solution for Assessment Test

    Section 10: C# Basic

    Lecture 42 Variables

    Lecture 43 CSharp Identifiers

    Lecture 44 Data Types

    Lecture 45 Type Casting

    Lecture 46 User Inputs

    Lecture 47 Comments

    Section 11: C# Operators

    Lecture 48 Arithmetic Operators

    Lecture 49 Assignment Operators

    Lecture 50 Comparison Operators

    Lecture 51 Logical Operators

    Lecture 52 Strings

    Lecture 53 String Properties

    Lecture 54 Booleans

    Lecture 55 Assessment Test

    Lecture 56 Solution for Assessment Test

    Section 12: C# Statements

    Lecture 57 If else Conditions and Statements

    Lecture 58 Switch-Case Statements

    Section 13: C# Control Flow statements

    Lecture 59 While Loop Statement

    Lecture 60 Do-While Statement

    Lecture 61 For Loop Statement

    Lecture 62 Foreach Statement

    Lecture 63 Break and Continue

    Section 14: C# Built-in coding

    Lecture 64 Arrays

    Lecture 65 Loop Through Arrays

    Lecture 66 Lists

    Lecture 67 System.IO Namespace

    Lecture 68 Datetime

    Lecture 69 TimeSpan

    Section 15: C# Debugging techniques

    Lecture 70 Debugging Tools in Visual Studio

    Lecture 71 Call Stack Window

    Lecture 72 Locals and Autos

    Section 16: C# Object oriented programming[OOPs]

    Lecture 73 Introduction to Class

    Lecture 74 Create a Class

    Lecture 75 Object Initializers

    Lecture 76 Parameters

    Lecture 77 Access Modifiers(theory)

    Section 17: C# Methods

    Lecture 78 Introduction to methods

    Lecture 79 Create a method

    Lecture 80 Method with parameters

    Lecture 81 Method default and multiple parameters

    Lecture 82 Method return keyword

    Lecture 83 Method Over loading

    Lecture 84 Assessment Test

    Lecture 85 Solution for Assessment Test

    Section 18: C# Class Encapsulation

    Lecture 86 Introduction to OOPs

    Lecture 87 Classes and Objects

    Lecture 88 Class Members

    Lecture 89 Class Constructors

    Lecture 90 Access Modifiers

    Lecture 91 Properties Get Set

    Lecture 92 Encapsulation

    Section 19: C# Inheritance and Polymorphism

    Lecture 93 Intro Inheritance and Polymorphism

    Lecture 94 Inheritance

    Lecture 95 Polymorphism

    Lecture 96 Assessment Test

    Lecture 97 Solution for Assessment Test

    Section 20: C# Abstract and Interfaces

    Lecture 98 Introduction

    Lecture 99 Abstraction

    Lecture 100 Interfaces

    Lecture 101 Enums

    Section 21: C# Error Handling techniques

    Lecture 102 Try Catch

    Lecture 103 Custom message on Errors

    Lecture 104 Finally

    Lecture 105 Throw keyword

    Section 22: Microsoft SQL Introduction

    Lecture 106 Introduction

    Lecture 107 Overview of Databases

    Lecture 108 MSSQL Installation

    Lecture 109 MSSQL SSMS Installation

    Lecture 110 Connecting to MS-SQL (Windows Authentication)

    Lecture 111 Connecting to MS-SQL (SQL Server Authentication)

    Section 23: MS SQL Statements

    Lecture 112 SQL statement basic

    Lecture 113 SELECT Statement

    Lecture 114 SELECT DISTINCT

    Lecture 115 Column AS Statement

    Lecture 116 COUNT

    Section 24: MS SQL Filtering Data

    Lecture 117 SELECT WHERE Clause - One

    Lecture 118 SELECT WHERE Clause - Two

    Lecture 119 ORDER BY

    Lecture 120 TOP in MSSQL

    Lecture 121 BETWEEN

    Lecture 122 IN Operator - Condition

    Lecture 123 LIKE

    Section 25: MS SQL Functions

    Lecture 124 Overview of GROUP BY

    Lecture 125 Aggregation Function - SUM()

    Lecture 126 Aggregation Function - MIN()-MAX()

    Lecture 127 GROUP BY - One(theory)

    Lecture 128 GROUP BY - Two(practical)

    Lecture 129 HAVING

    Section 26: MS SQL Joins

    Lecture 130 Overview of JOINS

    Lecture 131 Introduction to JOINS

    Lecture 132 AS Statement

    Lecture 133 INNER Join

    Lecture 134 Full Outer Join

    Lecture 135 Left Outer Join

    Lecture 136 Right Outer Join

    Lecture 137 Union

    Section 27: MS SQL Advanced commands

    Lecture 138 Basic of Advanced SQL Commands

    Lecture 139 Timestamp

    Lecture 140 Extract from Timestamp

    Lecture 141 Mathematical Scalar Functions

    Lecture 142 String Functions

    Lecture 143 SubQuery

    Section 28: MS SQL Structure and Keys

    Lecture 144 Basic of Database and Tables

    Lecture 145 Data Types

    Lecture 146 Select Datatype on SSMS

    Lecture 147 How to set Primary Key

    Lecture 148 How to set Foreign Key

    Lecture 149 Create Table using SQL Script

    Section 29: MS SQL Queries

    Lecture 150 Insert query

    Lecture 151 Update query

    Lecture 152 Delete query

    Section 30: MS SQL Structure queries

    Lecture 153 Alter Table

    Lecture 154 Drop Table

    Section 31: MS SQL Constraints

    Lecture 155 Check Constraint

    Lecture 156 NOT NULL Constraint

    Lecture 157 UNIQUE Constraint

    Section 32: MS SQL Backup and Restore

    Lecture 158 Overview of Database and Tables

    Lecture 159 Creating a Database backup using SSMS

    Lecture 160 Restoring a Database from backup using SSMS

    Beginner Asp Net C# coding, Microsoft SQL and JavaScript developers curious about web development,Anyone who wants to generate new income streams,Anyone who wants to build websites,Anyone who wants to become financially independent,Anyone who wants to start their own business or become freelance,Anyone who wants to become a Full stack web developer



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    Build NFT metaverse with Unity on Algorand

    Build NFT metaverse with Unity on Algorand
    Published 06/2022
    MP4 | Video: h264, 1280x720 | Audio: AAC, 44.1 KHz, 2 Ch
    Genre: eLearning | Language: English + srt | Duration: 93 lectures (8h 45m) | Size: 6.85 GB

    The most comprehensive course to build a metaverse world on a blockchain

    What you'll learn
    Foundations to start building a metaverse from scratch on the Algorand blockchain
    Create 2-way transactions between Unity3D game and the blockchain
    Have players "play to earn" crypto tokens
    Build a system for players to buy, sell and trade NFTs
    multiplayer communication
    deploy your metaverse game on iPhones, Android phones, and the web

    No programming experience needed, every single steps is shown in the video lectures. You will learn everything you need to know. Works on Mac, Windows and Linus computers

    Hello and thank you for your interest in this course. My name is Yohann. I am course instructor.

    This course is the only course you need to get the fundamentals to help you build a "play to earn" metaverse world on the blockchain.

    With over 20 years of experience as a software engineer combined with my experience as a college instructor, I have no doubt that by taking this course you will have a hands-on experience on how to build your own NFT metaverse world using Unity3D game engine and making transactions of the algorand blockchain, one of the best blockchains there is out there.

    The course covers a variety of technologies and tools.

    You will learn how to use Unity to design a game and an NFT store. (non fungible tokens). You will also learn how to make transactions on the algorand blockchain to allow users to play to earn crypto coins, buy, sell and trade NFTs and also how to allow user to connect they crypto wallet the safe and secure way.

    Now if you don't know much of the above terminology, don't worry about it, you're in the right place. I literally have recorded every single details in the video lectures, there is no prior knowledge required, everything is shown to you. And you can pause and replay the videos as many times as you wish to.

    This course is an "all in one" course, it covers the game design, programming, setup, deployment and the blockchain foundations to make you advance in your career.

    And the best part is that I keep adding new content regularly because this field is evolving at light speed.

    Finally, I am so confident this course will bring you so much value that I'm giving away the first 2 hours at no cost to watch instantly.

    Don't be the one to get left behind. Get started today and join millions of people taking part in the meta verse revolution.

    Start watching now. Enjoy the course and I wish you good fortune making your own metaverse.

    Who this course is for
    Game developers and hobbyists
    Video game lovers
    Metaverse enthusiasts
    Smart people wanting to build the FUTURE today



  8. #5268
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    AloMoves - Alo In the Wild : French Riviera

    AloMoves - Alo In the Wild : French Riviera
    Released 06/2022
    MP4 | Video: h264, 1920x1080 | Audio: AAC, 44.1 KHz, 2 Ch
    Difficulty: Intermediate | Genre: eLearning | Language: English | Duration: 19 Videos (4h 16m) | Size: 11.5 GB

    Instructor : Tawny Janae & Jacy Cunningham
    Bienvenue en France! You're invited to relax and recharge on sun-drenched Mediterranean beaches near colorful coastal towns in the C?te d'Azur. Enjoy vinyasa yoga, Pilates, beachside breathwork, jump rope cardio, booty band circuits, and bodyweight workouts that you can stack and repeat time and time again. From the Plage Mala to the Plage Paloma, you'll find the perfect class no matter how much time or equipment you have.
    In this series, you will
    - Travel to the South of France for yoga, fitness, and meditation classes with Tawny Janae and Jacy Cunningham
    - Mix up your workout styles with bodyweight and equipment-based training
    - Stack classes based on your mood and the time you have


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  9. #5269
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    Level 1 Teacher Training Diploma Resistance Band

    Level 1 Teacher Training Diploma Resistance Band
    Last updated 6/2022
    MP4 | Video: h264, 1280x720 | Audio: AAC, 44.1 KHz
    Language: English | Size: 5.53 GB | Duration: 4h 41m

    Upgrade your fitness program with unique training of chair yoga, resistance bands and weights for beginners and seniors

    What you'll learn
    Resistance Band Exercises
    Breathing Exercises
    Fitness for Seniors
    Fitness for Beginners

    Level 1 Teacher Training Diploma Resistance Band for Beginners Level 1 is a special opportunity to all fitness instructors and health professional who work with Active Adults and students who are in the beginning stage of fitness..Here, Zayra Mo will teach you the best moves and routines with resistance bands which you can integrate in any class format and also you'll can integrate:Breathing ExercisesChair Stretching or Chair YogaAerobicsCoordinationBalanceThis program is progressive which means you can learn how to program your classes and grow the resistance of your students.Also we include a special guide of Fitness Mindset which covers:The Condition Of Peoples Health These DaysWhat Is True FitnessWhat Is The Empowered Fitness MindsetTraditional Fitness Ideas vs. New Age IdeasWhat Does Empowerment for Fitness Mean to YouWhy Adopt The Empowerment Mindset For FitnessTips For Becoming Empowered For FitnessThe Good And Bad About The Empowerment Mindset For FitnessAlso this program come with the BONUS of 100 Fitness Products Ideas you can put in action if you want to earn extra money in your fitness field.And at the end, you can request our Special Diploma - besides Udemy - which you can showcase in your portfolio, office or social media.This is a great opportunity to learn from Zayra Mo who is been teaching Yoga, Chair Yoga, Meditation, Fitness and more to Active Adults in the last five years in person and also online.The video routines are in ENGLISH AND SPANISH!
    Section 1: Level 1 Teacher Training Diploma Resistance Band
    Lecture 1 Disclaimer
    Lecture 2 Class 1
    Lecture 3 Foreword
    Lecture 4 Class 2
    Lecture 5 The Basics
    Lecture 6 Class 3
    Lecture 7 The Condition Of Peoples Health These Days
    Lecture 8 Class 4
    Lecture 9 What Is True Fitness
    Lecture 10 Class 5
    Lecture 11 What Is The Empowered Fitness Mindset
    Lecture 12 Class 6
    Lecture 13 Traditional Fitness Ideas vs. New Age Ideas
    Lecture 14 Class 7
    Lecture 15 What Does Empowerment for Fitness Mean to You (How to Set Goals)
    Lecture 16 Class 8
    Lecture 17 Why Adopt The Empowerment Mindset For Fitness
    Lecture 18 Class 9
    Lecture 19 Tips For Becoming Empowered For Fitness
    Lecture 20 Class 10
    Lecture 21 The Good And Bad About The Empowerment Mindset For Fitness
    Lecture 22 Conclusion
    Lecture 23 Extra Class - 100 Fitness Product Ideas
    Lecture 24 Congratulations!
    Fitness Instructors,Chair Exercises Instructors,Fitness Instructors for Active Adults,Yoga Instructors,Personal Trainers


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  10. #5270
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    Level 3 Teacher Training Diploma Stability & Balance

    Level 3 Teacher Training Diploma Stability & Balance
    Last updated 6/2022
    MP4 | Video: h264, 1280x720 | Audio: AAC, 44.1 KHz
    Language: English | Size: 7.80 GB | Duration: 6h 15m

    Upgrade your fitness program with unique training of stability, chair stretching, yoga and mor for seniors and beginners

    What you'll learn
    Stability Exercises
    Balance Exercises
    Fundamentals in Stability and Balance
    Chair Yoga
    Chair Exercises
    Breathing Exercises
    Fitness for Seniors
    Fitness for Beginners
    None but we recommend Level 1 and Level 2

    Level 3 Teacher Training Diploma Stability & Balance is a special opportunity to all fitness instructors and health professional who work with Active Adults and students who are in the beginning stage of fitness..Did you know that 7 out of 10 seniors have stability issues and actually fear they will lose balance and accidentally fall? To some, the fear of falling may seem trivial. Yet to the 65+ age group, this can be a stressful thing.Studies show that people who fall during their senior years are much more prone to injury and sometimes even death. Many older people wonder if it's possible to improve their balance and also get stronger so that they'll be more stable. Should they accidentally trip or slip, their bodies would be more resilient and they will be able to handle the impact.This is a sensitive topic and definitely warrants much attention. The hard truth is that people do not become physically unstable or unbalanced as they age. Of course, there is no denying that a certain degree of strength and mobility is lost. Be an expert with Zayra Mo who will teach you the best moves and routines for Stability and Balance in a progressive way and the cues of posture which you can integrate in any class format and also you'll learn from these routines:Breathing ExercisesChair Stretching or Chair YogaStabilityBalanceCoordinationand much more!Also this program come with the BONUS of Fall Prevention WorkshopAnd at the end, you can request our Special Diploma - besides Udemy - which you can showcase in your portfolio, office or social media.This is a great opportunity to learn from Zayra Mo who is been teaching Yoga, Chair Yoga, Meditation, Fitness and more to Active Adults in the last five years.The video routines are in ENGLISH AND SPANISH!
    Section 1: Teacher Training Diploma Stability & Balance for Seniors and Beginners Level 3
    Lecture 1 Disclaimer
    Lecture 2 Class 1
    Lecture 3 Falls are the leading cause of fatal and nonfatal injuries among those 65 ...
    Lecture 4 Class 2
    Lecture 5 Class 3
    Lecture 6 Research has found the most promising prevention strategies involve ...
    Lecture 7 Class 4
    Lecture 8 Class 5
    Lecture 9 Health-Related Fitness Components
    Lecture 10 Class 6
    Lecture 11 Class 7
    Lecture 12 Class 8
    Lecture 13 Class 9
    Lecture 14 Class 10
    Lecture 15 Fall Prevention Education
    Lecture 16 Bonus class - Fall Prevention Workshop 1
    Lecture 17 Bonus class - Fall Prevention Workshop 2
    Lecture 18 Upgrade your leggings!
    Lecture 19 Congratulations!
    Fitness Instructors,Yoga Instructors,Chair Exercises Instructors,Fitness Instructors for Active Adults


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