I have discussed the content type posted in some forums in the Glam0ur Reading section and we decided there may be copyright violations. This does not effect all forums in this section. However, there will be no new posts allowed in some of the forums under 'Glam0ur Entertainment'. This will take effect immediately. Glam0ur Entertainment will be removed after a suitable period to allow members to browse the content you've posted recently. Eventually Glam0ur Entertainment will be removed entirely.
See below for actions taken .....
I have renamed Glam0ur Reading Room to Glam0ur Off Topic.
Movies and TV Shows (no new posts allowed)
e-books and Audiobooks posted in Glam0ur Entertainment have been merged with the same topics above in Glam0ur Reading section.
Music has been merged under Music Collections in the Music section.
Moved Games to Glam0ur Off Topic above.
Moved the Operating Systems content to Utilities in Glam0ur Off Topic above.
Thanks for understanding.