Title: Garden of the Wolf Box Set (Werewolf / Shifter Romance)
Author: Mac Flynn

Published: 2015
Publisher: Mac Flynn
Extension: EPUB
Size: 2 MB
Subjects: Fiction, Romance, Fiction Subjects, Literary Styles & Movements - Fiction, Contemporary Romance, Paranormal Romance, Romantic Fiction Themes, Women's Fiction, Occult - Fiction, Other Contemporary Romance, Paranormal Contemporary Romance, Steamy Romance, Women - Chick Lit
Categories: Fiction, Romance, Fiction Subjects, Literary Styles & Movements - Fiction, Contemporary Romance, Paranormal Romance, Romantic Fiction Themes, Women's Fiction, Occult - Fiction, Other Contemporary Romance, Paranormal Contemporary Romance, Steamy Romance, Women - Chick Lit

The entire Garden of the Wolf series in one complete package!

The Fountain of Youth is just a myth, right? That's what Abby Lee think when her friend Susie Baker drags her to a mountain resort known as the Garden with promises of rejuvenation. Little does both of them know that the secret to the Garden is more feral than either of them could have guessed.

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