Title: A Forest Apart (by Troy Denning)
Author: Star Wars

Published: 2003
Language: English
ISBN: 9780345462312
Publisher: Random House Worlds
Pages: 75
Extension: EPUB
Size: 171 KB
Subjects: Fiction, Science Fiction, Thriller
Categories: Fiction, Science Fiction, Thriller

Like father, like son . . .
Growing up in the shadow of his heroic father, Lumpawarrump, son of Chewbacca, feels tremendous pressure to match his father's daring exploits. Chewie's life-debt to Han Solo keeps him from returning home, and without the steadying influence of his father, Lumpy is unfocused and out of control. So Chewie's wife decides that a visit to Coruscant is in order. It's the perfect opportunity for the family to bond-and for Chewbacca to teach his son some much-needed life-lessons.
But when Lumpy's eagerness to impress his father leads to direct disobedience, Chewie is forced into an extreme pursuit that will lead him into Coruscant's dangerous underlevels-and to a secret as shocking as it is deadly. . . .
BONUS: This original novella includes an excerpt from Star Wars: Legacy of the Force: Betrayal and an interview with the author.

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