Title: Toddler in Tow (Single Wide Female & Family #3)
Author: Lillianna Blake

Language: English
Publisher: Sassy Women's Fiction
Extension: EPUB
Size: 268 KB

We're getting pretty good at this parenting thing. Well, we made it through the terrible twos anyway.
And Abby is mostly a complete joy. She's free-spirited, opinionated and not afraid of much-traits that both impress and terrify me at times.
She's mostly doing okay in preschool. Well, I wish her teachers understood her as well as I do. Yeah, maybe we need a little break from preschool after all.
We're going to try just a small family book tour altogether. I'm sure it will be one big family adventure! Okay, I'm reasonably sure it will all work out just fine because what could possibly be so difficult about traveling with a toddler, right?

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