Title: Bullet Bridge
Author: Len Levinson

Publisher: Piccadilly Publishing
Extension: EPUB
Size: 398 KB
Subjects: military action adventure, len levinson, hammerhead division, panzer tanks, pattons third army, sgt mahoney, the sergeant by len levinson

Bloody Metz is behind them, and Hammerhead Division of Patton's Third Army is dug in. At midnight, Sgt C. J. Mahoney hears enemy tanks - surprise attack! An entire German Panzer division blasts through the fog and begins butchering the American troops. Mahoney rips into the Nazis with bayonet and bazooka, until silence sweeps over the slaughter. Soon, Hammerhead is ordered to take the bridge leading into Saarlautern, gateway to the Siegfried Line - but the Sergeant knows the Germans are prepared to tear them to shreds. Kissing off orders, Mahoney and his kill-crazy sidekick Cranepool head straight down the Nazis' throats on a two-man suicide mission that will either capture the bridge, or wipe out Hammerhead!

Download Len Levinson as Gordon Davis - [The Sergeant 07] - Bullet Bridge