Title: The Golden Horns
Author: John Burke

Published: 1953
Language: English
Publisher: Wildside Press
Extension: EPUB
Size: 149 KB
Subjects: Fiction, Mystery

Martin Slade wants to bury his past as a saboteur in wartime Denmark and smuggler in postwar Europe. Returning to Denmark as a respectable journalist, he's approached by Birgitte Holtesen, an old flame now married to an elderly trader. Birgitte wants Martin to smuggle something back to English for her-but he refuses. She enlists instead a young musician, Sean Clifford. When Martin returns to England, he's attacked in his flat, and the place is ransacked. And then he learns that Sean has been murdered-and his body horribly mutilated. It's up to him to find the killer. A suspenseful mystery by a master storyteller.

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