Title: In His Place: A Modern-Day Challenge for Readers of In His Steps
Author: Harry C. Griffith

Published: 2016
Language: English
ISBN: 9781634097666
Publisher: Barbour Publishing, Inc.
Extension: EPUB
Size: 603 KB
Subjects: Fiction, Suspense

Charles Sheldon's WWJD? was a significant challenge in its time, but God calls us to do more than wait until we are facing a decision and then choose to do what we think Jesus would do. We are to incarnate Christ in our time, being conscious of the presence and power of God within us in all of our thoughts and actions. This is what pastor Steve Long wants his congregation to understand. When Long challenges his prominent but self-satisfied congregation to become a living force for Christ in their small North Georgia town, he is blindsided by personal trials. Responding to Christ's command "As the Father has sent me, so I send you," Pastor Long tackles these difficult situations-and more-over a tumultuous week of trials and testing and ultimately learns (as he leads) what it means to walk In His Place.

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